Do We Have A Choice?

Corruption and Lies Education Enemies of Civilization Liberty/Politics Neo-Marxism The Lie

I have often said the Left vs. Right dichotomy is a distraction from the truth. The real question is are we more free or less free? There are aspects of both Left and Right that can contribute to freedom but more often both sides detract from it. Meanwhile the media and algorithms try to keep us “in our lane.”

Welcome Freedom Troopers. I am finishing my analysis of the facts and science around the Trump Assassination attempt, combining diverse data into a coherent whole, but I feel we need to touch base with one another and I am not willing to rush the analysis. Once more, Freedom Troopers, your continuing help makes a difference as our site numbers continue to rise as you help me get the message out. My goal in life was to leave America more free than it was during my life. I am sorry to say that if I died today I will have failed to do that. But there is hope! We can make this better if we keep our eyes on the ball and don’t let them distract us.

However, I was talking to my son today (the 23 year old,) and our conversation turned to the artificial struggle that is being force-fed us in the media of Left vs. Right. There was a time, not so many generations ago when both sides of government asked, “does this make us more free or less free?” It should be obvious how moving the question from freedom benefits the elite power brokers of our society. If it’s not, then stop and think about it for a minute or so. Like a good magician they made us take our eyes off the main object long enough to make a substitution.

Young people today are rejecting both Left and Right and with good reason. Both sides are tools of the same power elite using different methods to consolidate power in government on behalf of big business. But because their goals so closely align there are many today who speak of “the uni-party.” As the power elite took over the leadership of both parties they have worked to emasculating both so that neither party threatens the elite’s hold on power. To keep our eyes off the truth the media persists in pitching every argument in terms of left and right yet the only difference between Republican and Democrat rule seems to be “how fast will our country be washed down the drain?” and NOT which party will stop it.

When I see the concerted attack by every power and influence base in the country against Donald Trump it tells us one thing clearly…they think that he will at least try to break their stranglehold on power. No matter what I think of Trump that alone would be enough to get me to vote for him. If the elite who are destroying this country’s liberties and freedom are scared of a Trump presidency then that is the very thing I want to give them!

It is not a matter of Left or Right. in America it was traditionally a question of “does this make us more free or less free?” The media changed the question on us during the Cold War. It is the liars and the monolithic power elite who are a real threat to democracy when they call Trump a threat to democracy, they are simply continuing to paint their opponent with their own brand of tar. Blaming others for what they are doing and have done for over 50 years.

So, what choice do we have?

If you went to school after the 70s you quite possibly were cheated of your education. When the generation of teachers who taught me died out they were replaced by teachers who were largely trained by the Neo-Marxist Elite of Academia who began consolidating the power of the “academy” and the universities around Neo-Marxism in the 1960s. As the Communists of the SDS came to power these “tolerant” Leftists began intolerantly driving out anyone who disagreed with them. This happened in the Ivy League more than in some others but wherever they could get a foothold they clung to power with every fiber of their being.

Communism? Really? At first that sounds odd. I myself, responded the same way. Didn’t that go away with the fall of the Soviet Union? Dude, your stuck in the cold war! That was my first response to that idea and I was a counterintelligence special agent in the 1980s. My job was to battle against the machinations and plots of the KGB, GRU, and myriad of other communist intelligence agencies. The CCP agents were a joke, [see below.] While the others were busy subverting freedom and taking over our media and educational institutions [see American Betrayal; the Secret Assualt on Our Nations Character by Diana West, The War On the West, by Douglas Murray, and the Naked Communist; Exposing Communism and Restoring Freedom by W. Cleon Skousen or my article on Communist Goals: Admitted Goals of Marxists in America – SabersEdge – Cutting Through the Lies to Get to the Truth ].

After the fall of the Soviet Union I, like so many others, thought the communist threat was gone. We did not head the words of Uri Bezmenov that warned us that once subversion reaches a certain point (a point we had already reached in the 80s, [See my article on Subversion: Active Measures – The Subversion of the Good – SabersEdge – Cutting Through the Lies to Get to the Truth ]) it no longer needs to be fed by outside subversive efforts because it gains a life (or anti-life,) of its own. I did not fully realize the extent of my error until in 2020 as I watched the “mostly peaceful” riots of the time destroy more property than both World War One and World War Two combined destroyed in the US. And the media called them “peaceful.” “Peaceful” riots (already a contradiction in terms,) that killed or injured over 200 police officers in this country in the period of just a few months. Like everything else the elite try to sell us it was demonstrably a lie. A lie meant to distract us by race.

Anyway, (remember I was trained to fight communist subversion and revolution in third world countries during the Cold War,) I was watching the riots with my wife and son and said, “That person isn’t a demonstrator! That is a trained agitator and subversive.” After I saw the first one I couldn’t NOT see them. They were all over in “Leftist” demonstrations. The question was, who trained them? China? Our home grown Communist Academics? Foreign entities or persons? Who? It is a question we still have not answered because the complicit media and what some call the “Deep State” is not even asking the questions. Is it because, as Diana West points out in American Betrayal and Skousen highlights in the Naked Communist because we already had high level communists making decisions in our government when the US Army stopped advancing into Nazi Germany to allow the Russians to gain control of half of Europe. This is an act they could not have done if we had not ordered Patton and others to stop advancing.

So, I mentioned China as a threat. Why when I just said above that we had dismissed China as being a serious threat to us in the 1980s?

We ignored the CCP because they were sending their spies (at the time,) to study how we organized American industry and business (ironically because they recognized that India has pulling itself out of universal poverty by capitalism – and our mothers no longer said “eat your food and think of the poor starving children in India” but “think of the poor starving children in communist China”). In other words, the CCP used their spies to gather information that was publicly available to any American. They wanted to know “How do we refashion our businesses so they can compete in the modern world?” China thereby admitted that Capitalism worked, and Communism didn’t. But it was for that reason the US and Western Intelligence developed the habit of dismissing the threat of Red China as “not worth worrying about.” [For more on what the Communist threat was really like see: It’s Always Been About Lies and Control – SabersEdge – Cutting Through the Lies to Get to the Truth and It’s Always Been About Lies and Control, Pt. II – SabersEdge – Cutting Through the Lies to Get to the Truth ]

However, the other intelligence agencies were a threat to freedom (as China now is as well,) because they proceeded to engage in subversion, espionage, and terrorism against the United States, the West. They, and other forces (which I often refer to as a many-headed Hydra, [See also: The Hydra of the Swamp Feeds Off Your Livelihood – SabersEdge – Cutting Through the Lies to Get to the Truth ) work for the destruction of the Constitution which was the biggest impediment to not only the totalitarian Left and the totalitarian Right, but to the expansion and dominance of international corporations that were more powerful than governments. It is also the American ideas of human rights and the ideals of the family around which our nation was built that all had to be removed for there to be any chance of a world government (whether that government was to be based upon Global Consumerism and Wage Slaves or International Communism and a “Worker’s Paradise.”)

This power of corporations exploded in the 19th Century( the same time our education system mutated into the monstosity it is today [See: Who Stole Your Education? Were You Indoctrinated in Ignorance? – SabersEdge – Cutting Through the Lies to Get to the Truth and The World Built In the Last 150 Years Is Broken – SabersEdge – Cutting Through the Lies to Get to the Truth ]) and it was not viewed as a threat to the founding fathers – for whom governments were the biggest threat in the world to freedom. But that has changed. By the later 1800s when India revolted against the British Empire the greatest Empire in the world had to turn to the East India Company because the East India Company had a larger army than the British Empire. So the “Great” Britain hastily made deals with the company which gave them broad rights of operation and profit so that the Empire could borrow their army to put down the revolution. Then it was the East India Company, today there is Blackrock, Blackwater, Amazon, and Google whose power far outstrips the power of most of the governments of the nations of the Earth.

Yet still far too many conservatives say “business can do what they want the bill of rights was to limit government.” That is true, as far as it goes. But the Constitution outlined our God Given Rights. In other words they are rights that every human being is born with by virtue of being born into the world and bearing the image of the Eternal God. That is the Christian belief that made a Democratic Republic possible. It was the belief that everyone, no matter their race or amount of money had value and no earthly power had legitimate authority to take them from us. It was an idea that St. Paul expounded 2000 years ago when he said:

In Christ there is neither slave nor free, Jew nor Greek, male or female, but ALL are ONE in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Thus the idea of equality was born; and the elite have fought against it ever since, originally by executing the man who said it later by executing hundreds, or thousands, of Christians and on through until today where people are arrested for praying outside of abortion clinics. (There is perhaps no bigger example of how we have devolved into tyranny when the government founded by hundreds of thousands who were fleeing religious persecution – thus inaugurating the separation of Church and State – and the US having no state religion to being a state that now arrests people for praying and exercising their religious rights enforcing not religious freedom but enforcing that people have NO religion.) Again, the magicians slight of hand is at work.

As I told my son, who said that his generation is rejecting both the left and the right, I said you are still enslaved to the medias ideas of left and right because by rejecting them you are still choosing to think according to their paradigm. [A lot of effort is expended into maintaining the Lie we live in see also: Awaken the Lions! Have We Been Domesticated? – SabersEdge – Cutting Through the Lies to Get to the Truth ]

Its time to subvert the dominant paradigm the media is force feeding us.

It is time for us to develop a new paradigm. One that preserves the vital truths upon which the greatest and richest civilization the world has ever seen and at the same time recovers the liberty and justice for all that we were promised. A government that truly is of, by, and for the people and which will allow us the best chance to reach our full potential as children of the Living God (however you conceive It to be.)

E pluribus Unum, the Roman phrase, “out of many: One.” They cannot take our rights from us as long as we see ourselves first as American and all in the same boat. They cannot sink the boat if we all know that we will drown if they do. Meanwhile the elite know that if they sink the boat of America we will all have to scatter on the life rafts (rafts marked “race,” “gender,” “left,” “right,” “Christian,” “Pagan,” “Capitalist,” “Democratic Socialist,” “Pro-Life,” “Pro-Choice,” and many more,) rafts, that if they were honest, would all be marked “slaves of the elite.” Once we are on the rafts and scattered then we will have no choice but to accept their help and their handouts – no matter what they charge us or choose to take from us to get it. Then the parasites will win. Ironically, they will win convincing many of us that we can get something for nothing. We only have to give up… everything.

The choice is ours. Freedom Troopers, are we going to continue playing their game? Or are we going to mount up, draw sabers, ride to the sound of the guns, and fight for the freedoms God has given us? I know what I’m going to do; but I’m stubborn and never liked being told what I “have” to do or “how” I “have” to do it.

I put this at the end and it was added after the original post. But it also is about choice and how, in the words of a union I once belonged to “United We Bargain, Divided We Beg”

I don’t know how many bikers you have known but I have known a few, both military riders and some in “motorcycle clubs” with leathers. This video, take a step back and remove your prejudices about him being a biker, listen to what he says about what can the government do if we would actually all pull together. He is talking to bikers specifically, but it is a message relevant to all of us in this time:

This is an unusual source for me but, as you know, I take in data from all manner of sources and analyze it. One thing I learned in intelligence was not to discard any source completely out of hand because you never know when, even normally unreliable sources, may provide the missing piece of intelligence you need to complete the picture. I found this message to be interesting but also it is a good example of how even people you may strongly disagree with can have a point:

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