Barbarians Within the Walls – Terror In Our Streets

We have welcomed barbarians Inside our Gates and borders of our country and consequently our citizens, pets, and institutions are increasingly under attack. This is not hyperbole. It is in fact testified to by the accompanying videos. We appear to be under attack by illegal immigrants who do not understand our civilization nor respect the […]

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Don’t Be Lawful Stupid – Wesley’s Rules for Life

It was Jesus that called upon all Christians to “be innocent as doves and wise as serpents.” Those in games and stories who equate the good guys with being “lawful stupid” don’t really understand good, (and having worked in the gaming industry,) they absolutely don’t understand evil. Equally so many Christians, who have fallen for […]

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The Hydra of the Swamp Feeds Off Your Livelihood

There is a many-headed Hydra that lives in the “Swamp” of WDC. It feeds off our tax dollars, consumer spending, and political ignorance. The heads have similar interests in promoting the existing power structure in which they thrive. To protect it’s very existence they (sometimes independently, and sometimes in concert,) clamp down on our liberties; […]

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It’s Always Been About Lies and Control, Pt. II

There has been a strong influence in American Government, Intelligence, and the Justice Department to excuse and miinimize the existence of Soviet and other Communist agents and agents of influence in our society. In fact, not only are these not generally admitted to exist but the history and data is minimized and actively silence by […]

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Are We the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave? Or Did We Lose the Cold War?

Perhaps we have lost the Cold War. The Soviet Union may have fallen as a country but it, apparently, had already poisoned our society with its subversion efforts and now the mechanisms for Communist takeover are far advanced. Welcome Freedom Troopers join me as we ride to the sound of the guns (proverbially,) and engage […]

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Why Should We Care About Citizenship and Illegal Aliens?

Victor Davis Hanson explains why we should care about Citizenship and Illegal Aliens and how the current and past situations affect us in his book The Dying Citizen. Let’s look at what he says in his chapter called Residents: First, Freedom Troopers, thank you for returning to this hard-riding, saber-slashing, lie-hacking, figurative cavalry charge into […]

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Don’t Mess With Texas – Is this the Start of a New Civil War in America?

There is a lot of hype about Civil War in America. It sells papers, magazines, and gets clicks. I get paid nothing for my work here so I will tell you the truth as I see it. Civil War will only come to Texas and us if the Biden Administration is incompetent, bumbling, and utterly […]

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Are We Abandoning a Dangerous Freedom for the Security of Being Peasants in a New World Order?

Victor Davis Hanson styled his first Chapter of his book The Dying Citizen, How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and Globalization Are Destroying the Idea of America, as “Peasants.” It is a word not regularly used in America. It denotes a lower class who owns a small scrap of land and must pay land rents to an […]

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