To live and stay free, that is the Promise on which America was founded. It powered the Revolution and its ideas were destined to change the world! Sabers Edge is all about preserving that freedom. We can never go back and the founding fathers wouldn’t want us to. The world has changed and not always for the better. It will continue to change. Some of the changes on our horizon could plunge us into a new dark age. Neo-Marxists and other -ists want to burn everything down so they can start anew. But we know where their paradise leads. That path has killed almost 100 million people in the 20th Century alone. Lets not make the mistakes those who ran blindly into the Russian Marxist Revolution made. If we want to be free we have to be ready to fight! Fight with every just power and tactic in our arsenal to legally bring this country back on the track it was supposed to be on. None of us can do it alone but we can do it together!
There are some fundamental beliefs that are required to build a lasting future on a solid foundation. Western Civilization has provided that foundation and upon it the greatest society the world has ever known has been built on ideas and principles, some of which go all the way back to ancient Greece and Rome. Together we can restore the firm foundations of our civilization, correct its mistakes and (as our founders dreamed,) once again be the shining city on the hill beckoning the rest of the world to Freedom, honour, and equality from the gathering darkness of today’s world.
Join SabersEdge and others with the same values and together, with our Freedom intact, we can boldly go where no one has gone before.
We only have one world, we are one human race, and we have a common future in freedom. Mount up, draw your saber, and ride with us!
Books for the Ride! Recommended Bibliography
These are the first reads I recommend to everyone! When you read Common Sense try substituting Senators and Politicians in the place of nobles and ministers and see what it says to you. There are many more but just sitting here thinking I would recommend these as important books for every library. I will add more a the end of the essential list as we ride. They are not in a mandatory order. Think about it and read first what seems most interesting to you:
The Declaration of Independence
The US Constitution (especially and at least the Preamble and the Bill of Rights)
SOLZHENITSYN, Alexander – Warning to the West.
WEST, Diana – American Betrayal; The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character.
Common Sense, Rights of Man, and Other Essential Writings of Thomas Paine.
H,ANSEN Victor Davis – The Dying Citizen; How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and Globalization Are Destroying the Idea of America.
MILLER, Joel J. and Kristen Parrish – The Portable Patriot; Documents, Speeches, and Sermons that Compose the American Soul.
MURRAY, Douglas – The War On the West.
SKOUSEN, W. Cleon – The Naked Communist; Exposing Communism and Restoring Freedom.
KELLY-GANGI, Carol – Thomas Jefferson; His Essential Wisdom.
RICKS, Thomas E. – First Principles; What America’s Founders Learned From the Greeks and Romans and How That Shaped the Country.
GAD, Saad – The Parasitic Mind; How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense.
LOHMEIER, Matthew – Irresistible Revolution, Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & The Unmaking of the American Military.
MacDONALD, Heather – The Diversity Delusion; How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture.
MEYER, Stephen C. – Return of the God Hypothesis; Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe.
PECK. Scott – The People of the Lie; The Hope for Healing Human Evil.
STADE, George, Editor – Founding America; Documents from the Revolution to the Bill of Rights.
WALSH, Michael – The Devil’s Pleasure Palace.
WALSH, Michael – The Fiery Angel; Art, Culture, Sex, Politics, and the Struggle for the Soul of the West.
MILL, John Stewart – On Liberty.
EPICTETUS – The Discourses of Epictetus and the Enchiridion.
D’SOUZA, Dinesh – The United States of Socialism; Who’s Behind It, Why It’s Evil, How to Stop It.
SPENGLER, Oswald – The Decline of the West, Two Volumes in One.
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, Selections Annotated & Explained [Ancient Stoic wisdom that speaks vibrantly today about life, business, government, and spirit…translation by George Long.
McCULLOUGH, David – 1776
HART, B.H. Liddell – On Strategy.
GUDERIAN, Heinz – Panzer Leader.
STOLFI, R.H.S. – Hitler, Beyond Tyranny and Evil.
TAYLOR, Walter H. – General Lee, His Campaigns in Virginia, 1861-1865 [This book is interesting because it is written by General Lee’s chief of Staff. Fools will dismiss it as “lost cause” literature but they don’t really know what that was. This is a Southern view of the war but not a defense of “lost cause” theory. The first chapter is incredibly informative if all you know of the war is what school taught you. The entire book is worth it for just the first chapter where he explains the war, the events leading to it and states:
related to:
I have heard many Christians say the decay of the world and “End Times” aren’t their problems because they will be “raptured” to heaven before the worst of it…a very un-Christian way to think in my mind. After Christ died the Apostles Creed tells us that Christ descended into hell, perhaps to reclaim his lost ones. It boggles my mind how those who bear the name Christ think they can follow him staying clean and safe in their homes and churches while the world collapses. The followers of Christ would follow him into hell to reclaim his children and would not hide safely in their homes. But perhaps that is just my opinion.
I don’t know how many bikers you have known but I have known a few, both military riders and some in “motorcycle clubs” with leathers. This video, take a step back and remove your prejudices about him being a biker, listen to what he says about what can the government do if we would actually all pull together. He is talking to bikers specifically, but it is a message relevant to all of us in this time:
This is an unusual source for me but, as you know, I take in data from all manner of sources and analyze it. I found this message to be interesting but also it is a good example of how even people you may strongly disagree with can have a point.
The picture below is of the Last Charge of the Rohirrim to save the West from the hordes of the Dark Lord in the Lord of the Rings movies. This was in the third called the Return of the King the final battle against the forces of evil and the restoration of hope.