Robbing the Treasury – A Tradition of Collapsing Governments

Throughout history, the elite have always acted the same. When they believe a government to be doomed their final official acts are to rob the treasury for their own profit and advantage. It happened in Rome, Constantinople, in France leading to the French Revolution, up through World War II when the Nazis sent gold and […]

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Generals in Defeat – The Judgment of History

I loved the concept of this book. A re-evaluation of the propaganda we have been fed regarding losing generals who, too often, have been the scapegoats of history. It is a compilation of different authors on different subjects and had the added benefit of introducing me to a historian whose books I will avoid because […]

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Government Sponsored Euthanasia? Even the Nazis Said No

Aktion T4: Berlin, 1 December 1939 – a desperate father whose son was severely disabled and, according to him, was unable to live any kind of meaningful life asked his Fuhrer (government leader,) if there wasn’t something that could be done to deliver his son from suffering. Adolf Hitler instructed his physician to verify the […]

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Died Suddenly – The Facts, Science and Guilt

Recently, a movie came out and it talked about people who perished suddenly and without warning. It has faced vigorous censorship and attempts at suppression that, in itself, should raise your eyebrows. So what are the facts, the science, and perhaps the guilt around the contents of this presentation? I did a review on “Died […]

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What Happened to Story Telling?

I regularly lament that we have abandoned the classical education system that has produced the greatest minds of history in the last 2400 years. In the last 60 years, we revamped the whole education system in the West. How is that working for us? (See: ) I watched a couple of free movies on […]

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