With the release of DHS information, it is clear that the representatives and bureaucrats that we have entrusted with our government have betrayed these United States and our Constitution. The government has been working against the people for AT LEAST years, if not decades. (See American Betrayal by Diana West). It has been disclosed that the government has been working to control the flow of information in media at a level never engaged in before in a free society. Even the censorship of World War II was generally voluntary, yet today we have CIA and other government agencies maintain agents in newsrooms (reported previously), and on editorial staffs and we now know from a DHS information disclosure that they have been working closely (meeting regularly,) with Twitter and other media agencies to control the release of information. In other words. This has not been private censorship on platforms but government directed censorship on platforms.
No wonder they didn’t think a disinformation Bureau would be a major step, they have already been using a ministry of Truth beneath the scenes for years and they saw no problem with making it public. In a way it is good that the leaders, bureaucrats, and government agents are so out of touch with what freedom truly means, or they would still be hiding it.
They outlined 3 types of “controlled” information. Misinformation (which is inaccurate information spread unwittingly), Disinformation (which is lies spread to affect public opinion – I guess that would be what DHS, CDC, NIH, and other government agencies have been doing regularly,) and Malinformation (which is truthful information judged to be harmful to the government of the United States.
The thing is Americans were never meant to be loyal to any particular government over us but to the underlying promise and law which we call the Constitution of the United States. We now live in a country where every government official, every Federal Officer, every politician, every police and law enforcement officer, every soldier, sailor, airman, and marine who has voted to Preserve and Protect the Constitution of the United States (so hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of Americans who have sworn to defend the constitution have been publicly told that the bureaucracy and government of the United States has been actively undermining that constitution for years. We live in desperate need of heroes.
I am hopeful. That is because we have hundreds of thousands of Americans and veterans in other Republics who have fought for Freedom (whether the Constitution or Magna Carta or what have you,) and these heroes who faced down the enemy are now called to unite and work to set our Republics right. And there are more heroes out there than veterans and police there are also those with a heroic heart who are playing first person shooters or battling dragons and giants to protect their villages online. But we live in a time where they need to get off the keyboard, look around, and pick up the torch of liberty.
That is because THIS is a time for heroes!
Our government has violated the Constitution, betrayed America, veterans, and every one of the 10 Articles in the Bill of Rights. within the last few years. I am reminded of the Declaration of Resolves from the 1st Continental Congress:
“Whereas, since the close of the last war, the British parliament, claiming a power of right to bind the people of America, by statute in all cases whatsoever, hath in some acts expressly imposed taxes on them, and in others, under various pretences, but in fact for the purpose of raising a revenue, hath imposed rates and duties payable in these colonies established a board of commissioners, with unconstitutional powers…and extended [their] jurisdiction…not only for the collecting of said duties, but for trial of causes…
and whereas, Assemblies have been frequently dissolved, contrary to the rights of the people, when they attempted to deliberate on grievances; and their dutiful, humble, loyal & reasonable petitions to the crown for redress, have been repeatedly treated with contempt, by his majesties’ ministers of state:
Declaration of Resolves, October 20, 1974
Perhaps it is time for the people of America to have a Convention of States to redress the corruption and grievances in this country. The corruption, however, will not fix itself, for corrupt and tyrannical people are in charge and like all corrupt or tyrannical people, they intend to stay in charge.
January 6th trials and solitary confinement for months on charges of “MISDEMEANOR TRESPASSING” is proof they are tyrannical and are no longer concerned with justice. Compiling whatever error occurred on January 6th with the injustice of Tyranny is not a solution but a confirmation of why patriots gathered and demonstrated on that day. Yet, while patriots languish in prison and are silenced in ‘solitary confinement for exercising their right of demonstration for “redress of grievances,” others, who killed police officers, burned down stores and government buildings, and reduced cities to a state of chaos and fear face no “justice” whatsoever. (If you do not realize that no official was killed on January 6th then you don’t watch the news you imbibe in the poisons of misinformation and your drunk on Propaganda because it came out that besides the unarmed Air Force veteran, which an as yet unnamed government thug murdered (without punishment or censure,) the security officer who we were told died of a heart attack “on the scene” actually died at home and it was not at “the scene.” The entire funeral and congressmen and Senators passing by his honored body were all a lie and ruse to further flood the event with propaganda. Again, if you don’t know this you are imbibing lies and drunk on propaganda from whatever source you get your daily dose of the Ministry of Misinformation from.)
In addition, we are told by a party who is in government that has complained and filed a lawsuit about the legitimacy of every national election that they have lost since George Bush, Sr. that “election deniers” are unjustly complaining about an election where in Arizona an audit demonstrated that there were more questionable votes found than the number of votes that Biden won by, and when an audit of Georgia votes was proposed the locked room in which the election materials and records were stored was found to be completely empty and audits in other states and the documentary 2000 Mules all compiled give ample reason why every American should be concerned with election integrity we see, in response absolutely no interest to pursue the idea of election fraud in any Federal or State authority and only when we get down to the level of local sheriffs do we see any action or investigation. This, which would be probable cause for investigation in any legitimate court in the land is being studiously ignored by our “speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil” government (as long as the evil is manifested on one side of the ledge while misdemeanor trespassing is punished with solitary confinement. I dearly want to make a video of this but it would be taken down by any of the largest social media sites.
Despite this, I encourage everyone to get out and vote! Make the bastards work for their ill-gotten results. When Americans actually elect a President who vows to drain the swamp the media, courts, and swamp dwellers in congress and the Senate, as well as the high-ranking military officials and bureaucrats all rise against him.
Now, some Americans, who are still wallowing in disinformation and do not wish to see the truth will begin a stream of diarrhea of the mouth that starts with “respect our troops.” Let me tell you, my father and uncles fought in World War II, I served as a cavalry scout and counterintelligence agent during the Cold War and in DHS, my sons fought in Iraq, and everyone here at SabersEdge Association served with me in the US Cavalry. We have nothing but respect for the heroes who fought to preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. But I remember that under President Obama over 20 general officers were retired and (oddly enough,) they were all officers who were conservative or who insisted that the military must be politically neutral. After that, I would no longer trust any officer over the rank of Colonel.* And, I recently noted that even they are suspect as the purge of loyal officers has now reached that level of command – when the Marine Corp silenced and court-martialed a combat officer because he dared to question the leadership of the military which allowed the Afghanistan debacle to play out as it did. Live the failure in Viet Nam that left so much equipment it made Viet Nam one of the most powerful militaries in the region our withdrawal from Afghanistan did the same thing to the Taliban. Also, we didn’t even warn our allies that we were pulling out and it was our airbase that was routing supplies and air support to them.
So the current government betrays our allies and our troops, undermined the legitimacy of our elections for decades, locks up people in solitary for demonstrating against public policy (while letting murderers, kidnappers, robbers, and others free without bail,) while never prosecuting the rabble who burned multiple US cities, killed police officers and civilians, and destroyed American businesses. Further, they have arrested and put members of an opposition party in prison because…well…because they were the opposition party; we know this is true because they have charges for crimes although members of the party in power (and their family members,) have done worse crimes but have nothing happen to them. And they are trying to prosecute and use legal means to destroy their chief threats in the next election.
But beyond the tyranny in power, there are those in the party out of power who supported disrupting our free speech, our freedom of assembly, our bodily autonomy (through vaccinations,) and our freedom of religion, and confined us in our homes for the recent flu-like pandemic in an unprecedented curtailment of our citizens.
They raid the homes of their opposition in early hours of the morning and late hours of the night with scores of armed, locked and loaded, officers who act with unnecessary violence of action in raids of intimidation that are not acts of justice distributed all across the board to all people but are actions to intimidate any who speak out or oppose the current party in power or government policy.
ANY politician who supports this tyranny or has supported it in the past years must be removed because they have no respect for the Constitution as the highest law of the land.
The Nuremberg Trials established that acting and enforcing tyranny and using the defense “I was just following orders.” Doesn’t fly. If you violate rights or commit war crimes it doesn’t matter who ordered you to do it you are responsible for your own actions (they are also responsible for their orders but you are responsible for choosing to follow an unlawful order.) When I was in the army and Army ROTC we received a lot of training on what was and was not a lawful order. From things posted by soldiers and officers recently, it seems to me that they must no longer be teaching the Constitution or what it means to vow allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and to defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic. So the cops and officials who violated the freedoms and search and seizure laws during the pandemic, and denied the rights of freedom of religion and freedom of assembly for what is now coming out to have been for no reason whatsoever, are all tyrants who must be removed from office this and in every upcoming election where they come up for a vote.
Anyone who is still calling this a “soft” tyranny hasn’t spoken to the people who have had their doors kicked in by the governments thugs or who have been placed in solitary without being able to communicate with their families.
WE MUST ACT and together we can make a difference. If we want to peacefully reverse this tendency we must all come out and vote in the elections and spend the next two years working to enhance the legitimacy and reduce the fraud that is in elections. As I indicated with my friend who was elected to city council by only ONE vote EVERY vote COUNTS and every act of voter fraud is potentially harmful!
The thing is Americans were never meant to be loyal to any particular government over us but to the underlying promise and law which we call the Constitution of the United States. We now live in a country where every government official, every Federal Officer, every politician, every police and law enforcement officer, every soldier, sailor, airman, and marine who has voted to Preserve and Protect the Constitution of the United States (so hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of Americans who have sworn to defend the constitution have been publicly told that the bureaucracy and government of the United States have been actively undermining that constitution for years. We live in desperate need of heroes.
As I said. I am hopeful because we have hundreds of thousands of Americans and veterans in other Republics who have fought for Freedom (whether the Constitution or Magna Carta or what have you,) and these heroes who faced down the enemy are now called to unite and work to set our Republics right. And there are more heroes out there than veterans and police there are also those with a heroic heart who are playing first-person shooters or battling dragons and giants to protect their villages online and wish that their lives could mean something. But we live in a time where they need to get off the keyboard, look around, and pick up the torch of liberty. There is no action that would mean more than ensuring that billions of people lived in a world of freedom and plenty but to do that we need to take the government from these elite oligarchs who view the people as “hungry mouths” rather than God created, unique individuals of infinite value.
THIS is a time for heroes! If heroes respond and restore liberty then the world will not collapse into hundreds of years of dystopia and darkness. But if we let the elite and oligarchs win and pervert our Republics then we usher in for billions of people hundreds of years of want and peril. Never has anyone in any time lived in a more critical time. We just need people to realize that this is the time that tries men’s souls. This is the time when heroes can make a difference. This is a time when we must all band together for freedom. First, we must vote in this election. Vote for Freedom. But, more importantly, we must gather together and support one another in groups like the SabersEdge Association, or some kind of Warrior Poet Society, and support the actions of the groups working to restore our Republic. For there are many. We must be united in our efforts and support all those who are like minded even if we don’t fully agree on methods or on details. We can sort all that out when we are once again free. So until then remember all you learned from Prager U and Hillsdale College, read your DailyMail, support your Project Veritas, and those who Judicial Watch over our government and law enforcement, and all others who work to meet the challenges of these Epoch Times.
Everyone who works for SabersEdge Association was a trooper in the 8th Cavalry but you don’t have to have actually been in the cavalry to become a SabersEdge Trooper. Anyone who has the spirit of a cavalier who loves honor and right is welcome to join us. Do you have the heart of a cavalrytrooper? Join us! The Cavalry is Coming!
SabersEdge needs your support and by lending that support you help us fight the culture war. You can do this by following us on Twitter at DanielSaber4; checking out videos at https://www.youtube.com/@SabersEdge send us your comments and encouragement to SabersEdge.Online@gmail.com or writing us at PO Box 433, Leavenworth KS 66048, sharing our content, spreading our memes, or you can support us through Patreon at: SabersEdge Association is creating Videos, Blogs, and Writings for Education and growth | Patreon ; Our Subscribestar Membership has been pending for months but hopefully that will be cleared soon. Unfortunately, nothing is free and based upon our choices the world will experience light or darkness, freedom or tyranny, truth or lies, happiness or dystopia, for that reason we strive to ensure that anyone, no matter their financial position has a way to help and stand with us. Please don’t try to do more than you are able but we need your support in whatever way you can manage. Algorithms are against us and places like GoogleAds refused to support us because we don’t provide “accepted concensus.” Basically, if I stop trying to determine the truth and give the party line they will support me. So it’s up to you to help. This is a critical time in history but there is reason to hope.
You can also help us by buying books through the links on our website. This allows us to gain a small percent of each sale and won’t cost you any extra; you can also buy us books for our research and ongoing learning from my wish list [ https://sabersedge.online/be-part-of-the-struggle-for-freedom ] and send gifts directly to us at PO Box 433, Leavenworth, KS, 66048.
So, these are many ways that YOU can help fight the culture war and defend freedom. Share and recommend us to others as algorithms are against us. But I am optimistic. There are hundreds of thousands of government agents, police, and veterans throughout the Western Republics who put their lives on the line for our freedom and vowed to Preserve and Protect the Constitution of the United States foreign and domestic. There are many troopers out there! Are you one of us? Join us! Lets mount up, draw sabers, and ride! And as Theoden said “Fear no darkness!” “So say we all!” and “Everyone fights, no one quits!” Its time for us Avengers to Assemble! Obviously, I like movies. Let’s stand together.
3 thoughts on “DHS is the Ministry of Truth – Great Forces Are On the Move”