For every year of my life government corruption has played the Grinch and stole billions of dollars of American tax money…your money…every year and used it to make political deals that benefited themselves and their rich and corrupt buddies but that actually harmed the American people and our standing in the world, not to mention saddled us with a debt we cannot repay.
OK, friends and “Freedom Troopers” (freedom and truth being what SabersEdge is about and trooper being the proper and traditional name for a cavalry soldier,) welcome to SabersEdge. I have not posted for awhile and been working on rebuilding the site for a new day. However, I revisited the site yesterday and realized that the message posting that there would be no posts until January 1st as we reworked the site was not posted automatically as scheduled. But, as it turns out I would explode if I don’t talk about some of this. Like the situation with the budget and US Congress playing out once again before our eyes as we approach Christmas– and Musk, Trump, and Vivek calling it out.
I said this happens every year of my life. That may be a slight exaggeration, but I do remember discussing this with my Social Studies teacher in High School over and over again, watching it replay through college as I studied ‘my country’s’ positions for Model United Nations (an annual exercise where college students at UNL would form into delegations of the nations of the UN and debate global issues as if they were actually from the country they represented as a way of learning about international relations.) So, while it may not have happened for my whole life I do know that it has happened for the last 50 years of my life…without fail and it is happening again now.
We know that the Civil War was precipiated by the slavery issue (there were other issues and you can see them in the differences of the Confederate Constitution when they tried to fix the problems they had experienced in the US Govt.) One of these problems was pork barrel spending. The South was the money maker in the US during the 1800s and before the destruction and burning of entire cities in the South by the Union Army the South had the richest states in the Union. After the Civil War and even today the destruction reduced them to the poorest.
After the American Revolution the South was OK with using Southern taxed tariffs to rebuild the North because major cities like New York, Philadelphia, Boston, and Washington DC had all been severely damaged by the Revolution and the War of 1812 while the South went relatively unscathed. But by the 1860s they were beginning to think that taxing the South to build factories, railroads, and highways in the Northern States and ignoring the Southern States was not very fair. (We are constantly told that the South was behind the North in roads and railroads and other developed niceties but how many of your history books tracked the spending of Southern Tax dollars to buy those ammenities. Further, its not like the South was that backward. After the Confederacy seceded the United States (the Northern States) had more miles of railroad than any other nation on earth…but did you know that the Confederate States of America had the second most railroad mileage of any nation on Earth? And the South had river commerce routes to the sea that they relied on that the North simply didn’t have. The South was the richest states and the South had more of their youth who were educated in Europe than the North did – even considering they had much less than half the white population.
By the 1830s the South believed that they had more than rebuilt the damage caused in the wars and they should get some benefit from their own tax dollars – their hard-earned money shouldn’t go to strengthening Northern railroads and factories but even then, the big businesses and banks dominated congress. Therefore, the Confederate Constitution severely restricted the ability of the Confederate Congress to indulge in “pork barrel spending.” [Pork Barrel spending is when the government wants to pay bills (like salaries of their employees or their soldiers,) and some politician tacks on 50 million dollars in spending for a new bypass to increase business for Umbrella Corporation – or whatever – who contributed to their election campaign in the last election.] It doesn’t help America it helps the friends and supporters of the congressman or woman. The Confederates were so fed up with the North spending their taxes on Northern improvements that they made the whole thing illegal in their constitution, AND in case something shady got through congress anyway they gave the President of the Confederacy a line item veto so the politicians couldn’t hold things (say building a new battleship,) hostage by grafting the McDisCorp pork barrel bypass on to necessary spending (so if you wanted to pay for defense you also had to buy the expensive widget that made Johnny’s company rich or you had to vote them both down because they were all in the same bill).
Congress does this every year spending billions of hard working American’s tax dollars on bull. (I remember on year that they spend over 50 million dollars on a study that finally concluded that if you have a cold that Chicken Soup actually had some medicinal value – I can think of things I would rather do with 50 million dollars of my taxes than just find out my mom was right when she gave me chicken soup when I was sick.)
They are doing it again today…right now! With your money and mine!
“The 1,500 page measure, known as a continuing resolution, would have done more than keep the government funded at current levels to prevent a government shutdown. The bill was laden with dozens of add-ons making it resemble the massive end-of-year spending packages that GOP leaders have vowed to avoid.”
CBS News Report on MSN
This 1500 pages long bill is full of this pork barrel bullshit spending that makes friends of congressmen and women rich on our tax money and plunges us deeper into debt because our congressmen and women are too often corrupt scum bags who are not there to help Americans but are there to make themselves and their friends rich and powerful on the backs of hard working Americans who, this very moment, might be having trouble figuring out where the money is coming from to buy their kids Christmas Presents and to buy the traditional Christmas feast that every one is expecting. At this time of struggle the American Congress puts out a 1500 page spending bill filled with “pork fat” designed to sate the political industrial fat cats of America with our money. Every year Congress is brought into a room and told – if you vote for this and approve continuing the government AND BILLIONS OF INSANE AND USELESS SPENDING then you can go home and be with your families for Christmas. Otherwise you have to stay here and debate every line of this insanity.
And every year for, at least the last 50 years, our congressmen and women have wasted billions of our dollars because they don’t give a shit how hard you worked for the money they stole from your taxes they are going to use it to make their buddies richer…even if you can’t afford Christmas presents this year. That is what is going on with the spending bill in congress. All the bullship about “we need to pay our bills” is a smokescreen for corruption and graft.
When Vivek Ramaswammy says “if they just wanted to fund the government until March all they have to do is propose a one-page bill that says, all current spending will continue until congress reconvenes in March to discuss the budget.” That is absolutely right! But any time you have a bill that is thousands of pages lone (which far too many are these days,) you KNOW it is full of wasted spending designed to do things we don’t want, don’t need, and can’t afford and the reason it is so long is because they DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT IT so its corrupt spending is hidden in a sub paragraph on page 1342…and on 47 …and on 236…and on… every freakin’ page after the 30th because they know that your mind has shut off by the time you have read that far. Vivek actually read the whole thing, and he can tell you more.
Not just criminals on the street but criminals in congress who are stealing your money legally too.
Today, Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and Vivek Ramaswammy are promising to expose the congressmen who facilitate this theft from the American taxpayer and drive them out of congress. That is not corruption to do so, that is justice! That is something Americans should have done a long time ago but my entire life we have let them get away with it.
Our politicians have become experts at hiding their corruption from the American people and putting on an angelic face before any election where they might be held accountable. You need to take a moment this week, NOW even, and send an email to each of your congressmen telling them to not vote for this monstrosity and that you will hold them accountable for every dollar of ours that they spend. American is in trouble and these cowards who are still doing business as usual are, in my mind, traitors who are selling America Down the River.
“Selling down the River” that is another 1800s term from Civil War Days. You have probably heard it but have no clue where it comes from. What you think you know of slavery is actually the horrible conditions that existed in the plantations of the lower Mississippi which every white and black person in America, whether slave, free, or a free person of color, knew. In Haiti the African slave usually died in one to two years after being brought from Africa because life was so harsh. Yet in America Jefferson stopped the import of slaves to America in 1807 when he was president. Of the 25 million estimated Africans brought from that continent into slavery only 800,000 came into the United States. Those 800,000 found life so agreeable they multiplied to more than ten million by the civil war (remember, most slaves who came to Haiti or Brazil didn’t marry and have families…they died. America was different and, bad as it was, slaves in the US recognized it was better than it was in South America or Haiti, or the Middle East, or even Africa (black slaves in the Middle East were castrated so they couldn’t have kids at all.)
“Selling someone down the river” was a phrase that invoked the idea of being sold to the lower Mississippi plantation owners where no one wanted to be. No one wanted to be a problem for their master and risk being sold to the harsh slave owners “down the river” to the hot subtropical disease- ridden plantations of the lower Mississippi. (The Confederate President Jefferson Davis was from Mississippi and his wife and kid died of those diseases before he remarried. So even slave owners and their families died of diseases down there. That one picture everyone has seen of the slave whose back is crisscrossed completely with whip scars is from the lower Mississippi plantations. So, when your congressman is “selling us down the river” they are almost literally condemning us to years of slavery in a job we don’t like to pay for their corrupt spending in this “Christmas Budget;” spending that is making some corrupt politician and their fat cat industrialist buddies rich. By comparison to spending years of your life in forced labor at a job you don’t like to pay for their corrupt spending having a green furry guy steal your presents and Christmas tree for just one night doesn’t sound that bad. Does it?
Email you congressman and tell them NOT to vote for the budget. Your checks are sent out automatically by computer anyway, printed and mailed by machine, and the post office and army will still be working whether it is passed or not. No one has to be at work for them to actually go out. You have been lied to.
Go here and send an email to every representative in your state now but especially the congressman or woman of your district. If you aren’t sure which is yours than copy and paste the same message and send it to each of them. Here is a link so you can find your representatives and go there right now! It’s easy! Get involved. Save yourself and take responsibility for your own government.