IMMIGRATION – Who Really Defends the Oppressed? EAP OPPRESSED LABOR?

Corruption and Lies Economics History Immigration Liberty/Politics Security The Lie

Have Democrats once again become the party protecting oppressed cheap labor? Once they were the party of slavery – now they are the party that is working overtime to suppress the injustices and exploitation and defend the use of underpaid and unprotected cheap labor to pick our fruit, cut and pack our meat, and to clean “massa’s” toilets and houses. Some things never seem to change, do they? Over 150 years ago Democrats argued, “Without slavery the economy of the country will collapse.” “If we don’t have slaves who will pick our cotton and grow our crops?” “They are doing the work that white folks can’t or won’t do.” Just like today when these arguments are being used to defend the continued use of underpaid and unprotected exploitation of cheap labor it is the Democrats that are still behind this.

And it was never just about cotton, cleaning our homes, or picking fruit. In 2023 alone there were in the US over 100,000 rapes, 100,000 drug overdoses, and 17,000 homicides. And while they cannot all be placed at the feet of illegal aliens anyone who pretends that the illegal trafficking of the cartels has nothing to do with these totals is probably too deluded for you to waste your time talking to.

Welcome my friends, I am so happy to be back talking to you as Sabersedge moves into a new year. Remember that over the years we have covered many topics from multiple angles, and you can use the search function to find other articles on topics to get different angles on issues that interest you. In this new year I want to shift from calling you, my readers, Freedom Troopers (which highlighted our cavalry roots,) to Reforgers because we need to “reforge” the foundations of Western Civilization because Leftists and liberal, anarchic, and democratic extremists have eaten away at them like destructive termites to undermine and sabotage all of our futures.

Because it isn’t perfect too many unwise people want to destroy the best example of civilization the world has ever seen. Western Civilization has delivered to its citizens wonders of technology, enviably low levels of infant mortality, safe child-birth practices, and a society so rich that it is not starvation that plagues us but being overweight and inactive.

Now, my friends, if you have been with us for some time, you know that I regularly talk about Anti-Bellum Society and our propaganda filled misconceptions of how it operated. Like all societies it was marked by both grave injustices and some enviable traits worth preserving – like Southern Hospitality. Southerners didn’t have a lot of hotels because in the 1700s and 1800s they still preferred to follow the “old ways” of giving “letters of introduction” for travelers so that they could travel through the South bouncing from the home of friend to friend to friend where they were welcomed into the home as a “temporary” member of the family. “I would have felt insulted if a friend of mine had to ‘rent a room’ in a city where I could have arranged a place to stay” one Southern gentleman wrote in his journal back then. Yet many historical writers portray the relative lack of rentable domiciles for travellers as a sign they “lack commerce.” Just one of many examples of how we “miss the mark” when we judge other societies with our contemporary prejudices, eccentricities, and general lack of knowledge on the matter. I know something about the Civil War and Revolutionary era and how they lived.

[“Ante-bellum” is the society that existed “ante-bellum” a Latin phrase meaning “before the war” – that was how Americans referred to “pre-Civil War society” back when Americans actually received a classical education and knew enough Latin and Greaco-Roman history that they could clearly see that our history and traditions were firmly rooted in more than 2000 years of history’s trial and error of society building. That was why Western Society was so successful. It had found patterns and customs that worked. Americans used to know this because it was taught in schools and by reading the classics that defined the whys and wherefores of American and Western Society. But – other than my wife and I I only know of a handful of people who actually took 3 years of Latin in High School and who actually were able to still get a classical education from high quality educators in the 60s and 70s in the “backward” Great Plains “flyover” states.]

Over 150 years ago the largest slave holder in New Orleans was a black man who had cornered the market on using big “buck” slaves to unload the ships and cargos coming to New Orleans down the Mississippi and from across the Ocean. One of the largest slave holders in North Carolina was also a black man. He did the unthinkable practice of matching slaves for durability and size and forcing them to breed – being black he was already ostracized from “polite” society so what did he care if he was shunned by the “proper” folks who would never think of doing such a thing because it was “un-Christian.” He, like so many slaveholders in the South was not actually growing cotton as much as he was growing tobacco and other food products for sail in the US and overseas. But let us not pretend that all slave owners of color were oppressive. There was a farmer and person of color in Central Virginia who was (what today would be a millionaire,) who owned farmland and livestock and had some slaves but also employed both whites and blacks on his lands to run his farm. He was also well-respected by his contemporaries as a fair man.

Dr. Ivan Volgyes, my Political Science professor at the University of Nebraska had been a child jew who saw part of his childhood from the inside of a concentration camp in Romania and he always said, “The US, like every society, is not a just society. It is just a society.” Despite that he was here because even with its imperfections it was one of the best societies in existence and, if he wanted perfection, he would not be able to live anywhere. Still, America seems to actually care about injustices and so Leftists use our sense of fairness to tear down the best of the imperfect societies which exist upon this Earth and they offer NOTHING but empty platitudes for change. We can see where their platitudes ultimately take us by looking at Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, and other cities where their ideas have held sway for decades. They talk a good talk but they actually spread glaring injustice, bureaucratic incompetence, suffering, addiction, pain, and death.

If we want to save what we have then we have to continue to stand up and challenge their platitudes and empty virtue signaling. It is conservatives who give most of the dollars and labor to charity while all the Leftists do is offer keyboard platitudes, performance crying sessions, and no substantial action that makes a change. We need to all quit pretending that these are the “nice” people.

Is it a coincidence that the Democrats are still defending darker skinned labor doing cheap and unskilled labor for the wealthy of “white” society?

I don’t think so. There are too many parallels. And yet, just as in Ante-bellum society these defenders of their cheap, underpaid, unhappy, and poorly treated labor portrayed themselves as the “gentile” and “polite” members of society just as the virtue-signaling leftists on our TV’s do today.

It hasn’t always been this way. When I was growing up the Democrats were classical liberals and the defenders of human rights and the enemies of unjust corporate practices – like slave wages and illegal hiring practices. This is why it is so glaring to me that they are now defending the injustices that surround the illegal border crossings and their constant repetition of the same talking points that the Democrats used to defend slavery over 150 years ago. “Who’s going to pick our cotton?” “They are necessary for our trade and commerce.” “Who’s going to clean your house, tend your garden, or groom your horses? That’s what ‘darkies’ are for” or today “Who’s going to work long hard hours in meat packing plants for next to nothing but [illegal] undocumented immigrants [aliens] who are scared to go to the police or Department of Labor to complain because they shouldn’t even be here in the first place! This is institutionalized slavery using economic rather than iron chains and it is telling who the people are defending it.

It is time to call them on their lies. They are neither polite nor kind when they defend the gang rape of women trafficked across the border [illustrated by the trophy trees all along the border with girls panties hung in their branches, tons of illegal drugs forced by cartels to be carried by their illegal “mules” herded across the border, the rape of six year old girls that is documented as a thing by members of MS-13, Tren de Aragua, and other gangs involved in illegals and trafficking. And the dangerously naieve people who believe these are “made up” can only maintain their childlike ignorance by refusing to look at the problem. (Like one Democrat who when I asked him if he had seen what was coming out in the 75,000 pages of exposed lies from the pharmaceutical companies about Covid and vaccines said “No, I thought it would be too depressing.” There is no one so dangerously ignorant as those who refuse to look at facts they don’t like or that will challenge their world view. But then many of these same type of people crucified Jesus when he came to challenget their assumptions and world view – some of these people are still trying to crucify Christianity rather than face things they don’t want to think about!

I retired from Immigration and as a Counterintelligence Agent during the Cold War I worked with Customs, Immigration, the FBI, AFOSI, CID, and NIS and Special Operations Divisions of State and local police force in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York. It is not uncommon for agents who have seen the things that our Democratic “friends” don’t want to look to closely at (because it would give them nightmares,) to feel that they have been tainted by the darkness and they never quite fit in to the “Disneyland fantasy” that is mainstream American society. The reality of the world is so dark that most Americans who have been defended from this darkness and wickedness by one of the best military and police structures and networks in the world have trouble believing even exists.

Too many Americans have trouble believing this even happens because the comfortable and relatively rich middle class Americans have been protected from it for generations. Bless their little hearts, they cling to the idea its made up so they don’t have to face the consequences of the “open door” policies that support modern white slavery, child rape, and wage slaves.

This is why modern democrats are so dangerous. In the past naïve democratic idealists were tempered by Southern Democrats who had a tradition of military service and who themselves “had seen the darkness” that was out there in the shadows where their shallow platitudes cannot survive. These people kept the foolishness of the Democratic Party in check. Unfortunately, bit by bit over my life I have watched Communists and hard-core Anarchists and Leftists rise to dominance in the Democratic Party and slowly but steadily push out what we used to call “Southern Democrats” who were still liberal in their outlook but patriotic Americans who understood the darkness that we are trying to keep out of our streets. A darkness that the Democrats of the last four years has let in with no safeguards whatsoever.

Legal immigrant aliens are screened but illegals are not. They have health screenings to make sure that the deadly diseases (that I thought were extinct until I joined Citizenship and Immigration Services and saw that we are actively screening for deadly diseases that I had only known from history. They are not extinct, but by controlled immigration screening and active medical monitoring we had kept these diseaases out of the United States, Canada, and Europe for many generations. Yet they are alive and well and Biden allowed millions of people across our border without proper medical screening and the complicit media (who are either out and out lying or too stupid to unerstand how diseases are transmitted are blaming the appearance of tropical diseases in some of our large cities on..wait for it…GLOBAL WARMING! Isn’t it nice when you have a handy excuse (like they used to use demons and witches in the Middle Ages,) for absolutely anything that goes wrong?

Legal immigrants are screened for safety. Serial rapists and serial killers from South America, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Asia, or the Pacific Islands, are screened through interpol, the FBI, and National Police Forces to screen out known murderous monsters and rapists and keep them from entering our cities. But the cartels have no such scruples. They will let in anyone, and the enemies of America actually facilitate the entry of criminals and rapists into America because it is a method of subversion and warfare that prevents them from coming into direct military conflict with the might of the United States Military. As one South American who testified to congress on illegal immigration said “many of these rapists come from countries that if the police or village finds a woman who has been beaten, raped, and murdered they bury her. There is no investigation. It happens too often to investigate all of these murders and rapes. So, when they come here and continue to murder and rape they are surprised that they are later actually arrested for doing so.” But most Democrats who support these policies don’t watch the congressional testimonies of those whose loved ones have been murdered, trafficked, or otherwise exploited because it is disturbing.

Today Democrats are on Tik Tok and Youtube boohooing about sending cartel murderers, drug traffickers, and terrorists to Guantanamo Bay. 30,000 beds are not going to hold Abuella Maria or your uncle Alberto when tens of millions of illegals have come across the border. This willful blindness and inability to see the difference between gangland murderers who rape children and torture other illegals (like the case last week of an illegal family who gang members of Tren de Aragua beat, raped, tortured -including by pulling out their fingernails with pliars and smashing their sexual organs) and legal migrants must be challenged. Even those who are less harmful but who still have no respect for our laws and are illegal by their very presence must be unacceptable in a nation of laws. We cannot let these ignorant fools who have already made a mockery of our justice system continue to control of the narrative.

Yet, too many democratic idealists pretend that all societies are morally nuetral and just “a different way.” But societies are not morally nuetral. There are good and bad societies and rules like the ten commandments seem to be hard coded on our hearts. Nearly every human society rejects murder, adultery, and theft because right and wrong have been imprinted in our hearts by God or by Nature. But not all societies follow our ideas of justice and honor.

I remember talking to a young idealist online decades ago and citing a recent news item from a predominantly Muslim country in Africa. A woman had been raped and she went to the police station. Under Sharia you need male witnesses to testify to the rape or it never happened. She had no male witnesses because it happened in the jungle away from the village so as far as the police were concerned she wasn’t a rape victim she was a slut. So, the police gang raped her. She had already admitted to having sex and not being married. That made her a whore because she had no witnesses to being raped so they raped her again. “What would you do in that case?” I asked. The young man had just advocated that a Jedi, if they lived in our world today, would always obey the law even if it seemed unjust. His answer? “I would notify the authorities and the police.” – “THE POLICE WERE THE ONES WHO HAD JUST BEATEN AND RE-RAPED HER!” I responded. His answer was like the answer of so many left leaning people who have their platitudes challenged. He logged off.

In the face of record deaths to fentanyl and record violence from foreign gang members now, rightfully designated terrorist organizations but the President, there are fools who are still babbling nonsensical foolishness that has filled their relatively miniscule brains. “We have to acknowledge the important work that “undocumented migrants (read illegal aliens) do in our economy.” Stop using their talking points. Stop using their euphemisms. In the Civil War days they called slaves “domestics” or “servants” to avoid unpleasant words and hide the truth. They still do this today with “undocumented migrant” instead of illegal alien/border crosser/criminal alien/illegal overstay and other more accurate words. These Leftists today are simply defending this century’s form of slavery and cheap labor as absolutely necessary or our economy will collapse just like they did before the Civil War. Well, we had our Civil War. We ended the chattel slavery that existed 150 years ago in this country. It is now time to end the corporate exploitation and cheap labor wage slaves that illegals provide to the “plantation owners” or our century today.

It is this ignorance and in the face of their willfull blindness that characterizes todays Democratic Party and we all need to stop pretending they “have a point” when they are dangerously deluded, ignorant, and misled. They are intentionally hiding the ugliness by conflating legal immigrants and illegal aliesn as if they were the same. My grandparents came to this country legally in the last decades of the 19th Century. I am pro immigrant. I am anti-illegal alien and anti anyone who flaunts our laws and denigrates the promise and potential of America with their lies and half truths. And we need to stop their foolishness and challenge their “what-about-isms” and chronic deflection before they destroy the greatest society that ever existed.

For those who like a video emphasis these are only a few of hundreds:

Violent Illegal Immigrants in just ONE Texas County

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