Fraud in Elections? How to Stop Tyrants


There has been a lot in media for the last 8 years about Election Fraud. The most recent round was raised by Trump about the 2020 election but before that Hilary called, and still calls, into doubt the results of the 2016 election and accuses Russian interference – although the only party cooperation with Russian foreign intelligence discovered in the independent investigation turned out to be from the Hilary Campaign to malign Donald Trump and not the other way around. What is it they say? The corrupt will always tell you who they are and what they are doing by their accusations of others? As an investigator I have found that to be disturbingly true.

A lot of money and power are at stake in American Elections, and we know that when those things are at stake people will not only cheat, but some will kill to affect the outcome (did you notice the 3 assassination attempts this year anyone?)

Neither Republican nor Democrat National Committees are pure and holy but in the last twenty years I have been grievously disappointed in one particular party more than the other. I actually thought that the neo-Marxist/woke/Leftist Democratic Party was on its way to extinction and that the Neo-Con Republican Party was rapidly leading the way there as well. However, Trump and his movement seriously disrupted the rich oligarchs who controlled the Republican Party and ruled with an iron hand. It seems the party has slipped through their fingers as recently, some of the most notable Neo-Con never Trumpers, and other world/business/totalitarian spewing Republicans, have thrown in with the Democrats and the Republican party seems to be (perhaps irrevocably,) shifting from the rule of the big business/ big government neo-con oligarchs to real populist conservatives with ideas from Jefferson and the founders, the Constitution and States Rights, Federal checks and balances, and other radical ideas about a government of, by, and for the people. If the Neo-Cons cannot regain control of the party this shift should make the Republicans the most-healthy and people-supporting party in America for decades to come.

Russian interference? That is almost assured. Think about it. Any nation from Russia, to China, to Mexico, to UK, to France, to Germany, and especially Australia and Taiwan and Japan have their future decided by the American political election. Any intelligence agency would be foolish if it did nothing to support candidates that will help their own country. Now our allies, in general, have the same belief we do that you shouldn’t mess with internal elections…it just isn’t done. But the United States does it and any nation that wants to survive in today’s world will do it as well. The question isn’t did the Russians try to influence things, of course they did at some level, the question is can anyone really make a difference in an election system that is as diffuse as ours is?

Think about it. Every state, every county, and in some cases municipalities have their own election laws and committees and their own procedures. If we had a single election controlled by the Feds and consolidated by computers they could be hacked, bribed, and otherwise manipulated. But with our chaotic elections system the best that bad actors can do is try to affect voting in some key demographics and hope for the best. In this case our chaotic election system actually protects the American vote and our election integrity. At least as long as each jurisdiction is alert and aware.

From what I have seen, most jurisdictions in America poured over their procedures and tightened their laws to prevent fraud after the 2020 election. So, from that standpoint, all the questions raised about the election were a good thing. Even the threat of fraud has woke enough people up to the danger that they are actively cleaning up the voter roles and ensuring every legal vote counts. (Maybe the songs, jokes, and memes along the theme that said “my Dad was a life-long Republican but now that he is dead, he votes straight Democrat” and the like had something to do with it.) For that we should be thankful to the questions raised in 2016 by Hilary and 2020 by Trump.

While it is good to guard against corruption and fraud for the sake of the Republic, it is however totally bad that people have lost faith in our elections and regaining it will take vigilance, time, and active enforcement by every jurisdiction in America to rebuild the confidence in our elections that we once had…even if, perhaps, we were over-confident.

These last couple weeks I have seen repeated prosecutors talk about prosecuting voter fraud in many different jurisdictions. While it may be tempting for some to think “They are trying to steal another one” (whether you are a Trumper or a Hilaryite,) you should look on these prosecutions positively. That means they are catching the cheaters and actually doing something about it. In fact they are doing more about it that I have seen in my lifetime and that is a good thing and something to be happy with. Now your vote counts even more so go and vote!

Let’s look back through my life about this idea of confidence in our elections and when doubt first started really building. Although the way it was done undermined American Democratic processes in their entirety actually questioning the system is not a bad thing. It is, perhaps, something we should have done earlier. But still, this and subsequent complaints were done in a way that undermines the Republic and were not the actions of patriots seeking a redress of grievances but of tyrants trying to keep power from slipping from their grasp.

The first time in my life I remember anyone EVER calling the American Election process into question was when Democratic Presidential Candidate Al Gore ran against Republican George Bush for President in the 2000 election. Before in person voting had even started the Democratic National Convention raised the scandalous call that they had over 40 attorneys standing by to challenge the election if it didn’t go the way they wanted. It didn’t, and they did. Al Gore conceded the election and then withdrew his concession and challenged the vote of Florida because, whoever got Florida’s Electoral votes, would be the 43rd President of the United States. The Democrats drug out the election results for over a month in legal battles and demanding recounts that forced the Supreme Court to finally intervene to ensure American had a leader. This went on for over a month before they finally, grudgingly, conceded that they were out of options and the election was lost. The election of the President of the United States was decided in Florida where George Bush received 537 more votes than Al Gore. The Presidency of the United States was decided by only a 537-vote margin in one state! In my mind it seemed that this was not an effort to ensure that everyone’s vote was counted but was just an obvious and cynical effort to ensure the election was decided in their favor, no matter what the electorate and the electoral process decided.

The President of the United States was decided by only 537 Votes in the state of Florida. The vote was called for George Bush finally on November 26, 2000 weeks after the final vote was cast.

I had never seen such a thing in American Politics. It’s not that I had never seen such a thing. I was a counterintelligence agent in the Cold War. I had seen it happen many times in dictatorships in banana republics and by Communist Parties in many countries throughout the world. It is just that, until Al Gore and the DNC did it in the Presidential election that year, it had not happened in America. Anyone who was alive then remembers the tedious reporting on the recounts in Florida and the news of chads, hanging chads, pregnant chads, and dimpled chads, etc. Now, I am only 64 years old but in the last 64 years they were the first in my lifetime to raise a serious claim that our elections were not sound. Before then no one had done that. No one. At risk of sounding like a schoolyard kid again, “The Democrats started it.”

Similarly, they lead the charge to eliminate the electoral college because, if it is removed, then the liberal New England States and California will decide every American election for us because that is where the majority of the population live. The Electoral college is designed to ensure we are not ruled by a “tyranny of the majority” and the votes in every state matter and not just the votes of the few most populous states controlling everyone. In nearly every case the DNC emphasis since 2000 has been “to hell with the Republic – what makes us win.” I have to assume this is their reasoning because they repeatedly do things that undermine the very system in which they operate. They are not friends of Democratic Republics they are obsessed with power, only power, and nothing but the power. You can see why I equate them to Communists because, despite rhetoric to the contrary, that is what Communists have done everywhere they have sought or gained power anywhere in the world since 1848. [For more on how Communist Subversion works see the classic video by Uri Bezmenov that is attached to this article: Active Measures – The Subversion of the Good – SabersEdge – Cutting Through the Lies to Get to the Truth and also Admitted Goals of Marxists in America – SabersEdge – Cutting Through the Lies to Get to the Truth ]

Even so, the Democratic loser Al Gore spurred Florida to revamp its entire aging election system and now it is supposed to be one of the best in the nation so even that may have been a good thing in the long run. However, it was a blow to our confidence questioning that which had never been questioned on such a scale before.

Now, I am not saying that our elections are perfect. There is no perfection on this Earth except God and perhaps the Alien Xenomorph of the Alien franchise which is described as “the perfect organism” but that is fiction. In real life no one and nothing is perfect.

So when my wife’s uncle Joe (after Biden was elected,) told me “There was no election fraud in 2020, Daniel.” I responded, “Joe, I know you aren’t a political scientist so I will excuse that statement. We are pretty sure that there has been election fraud in every American Election since the early 1800s at least. There always will be. The real question is not, “is there fraud” (anytime that much power is at stake there will be fraud,) but the question will always be was there enough fraud to change the result and in 2020 we just don’t know because all the cases were dismissed on technicalities without the courts even looking at the evidence.”

I believe there should have been a serious look at all the cases – if only to disprove them without a doubt in people’s minds. Election Fraud should be treated seriously by every American and every election we should be constantly examining our procedures to see what we can do better because every case of fraud cancels out at least one legitimate vote of an American Citizen and citizen’s rights must be preserved if our nation is to survive…let alone flourish.

Fortunately, after 2020 many many counties and states took serious looks at their election laws to close gaps and also to ensure that people with disabilities and disadvantage had access to the poles. Although Georgia’s efforts were much maligned by the mainstream media I actually read what they did and their actions were not meant to disenfranchise black voters like the mainstream media repeatedly accused they were very good measures to make voting both easier for all and more secure at the same time. The fact that it closed off areas that raised questions of fraud in 2020 and, at the same time, were attacked by media made me suspicious of media and democratic motives. The people writing these stories had th same access to the laws I did. So they knew and were lying about the intentions. Why would they do that unless they had a vested interest in protecting the suspected fraudulent actions taken in some jurisdictions in 2020. In every case. The people complaining about actual security measures (even when they were coupled with laws to make poles more accessable to the disabled and disenfranchised ,) were invariable Democrat. I asked myself why would they want to prevent closure of tactics that allowed fraud, why would they block greater access to the poles? I came up with No response that put Democrats of Media in a moral, good, or even nuetral light. The corruption was palpable.

In my opinion conviction of intentional election fraud should include a felony and your corresponding loss of a right to vote. Many states remove you ability to vote for ten years for some election frauds that signify an intent to fraudulently affect an election (as opposed to some one who just screws up.)

Before 2020 you could find numerous articles on how “un-safe” and hackable electronic voting machines were. [see here: ] I remember a professor of political science hacking one of the most popular voting machines on stage with nothing but a ball point pen in under five minutes. It was easy to find these criticisms of voting machines, they were after all created to allow dictators to manipulate elections in third world countries and when they brought them here there was practically no way to make them actually secure. They were never secure. They were just easy. So many, too many, cities use them. Look at the article above for some of the evidence against voting machines there is too much to say against them to cover it all here.

Interestingly, it was easy to find that evidence before 2020. However, after the 2020 election Democrats stopped talking about “protecting the vote” and Democrat leaning search engines (like Google and Youtube,) created algorithms to hide the information from you. Just one more corrupt nail in the Democratic coffin.

Because of that and so many other things I will no longer vote Democrat. I used to vote for Republican Presidents (they are almost always better on international relations and, let’s face it, the President has very little power domestically unless he is willing to go full dictator and make as many executive orders as Obama and Abraham Lincoln did). So, I voted Democrat on domestic issues because, in the old Democratic Party, the Democrats used to defend the rights of the people while the old Republic Party was full of the Neo-Cons who now support the DNC and VP Harris. Perhaps, now that so many Democrats have grown up to own multi-billion dollar tech and social media businesses the Democrats have become worse than the Republicans used to be in defending big business and their corruption. It was very disappointing for me to realize the extent of this problem.

Over the years fewer and fewer Democrats have gotten my vote (although I did tell my wife I was thinking of voting of Tulsi Gabbard in 2020.)

I find it staggeringly un-self-aware when the Democrats complain that Trump has alleged election fraud considering the history of the Democrats on this issue. But, that is just one of the reasons that for the first time in my life I intend to vote a straight party ballot. The actions of the DNC over the past 12 – 20 years have called into doubt Democratic integrity in my mind in many more ways than I can cover here.

Democrats themselves as a group are not the party of my Father, JFK, or Lloyd Benson. Indeed, they seem increasingly to have more instance of mental instability, neuroticism, depression, and just plain ignorance than most Republicans. This is according to sociological surveys that I have seen. For instance, a recent survey demonstrated that almost 80% of Democrats committed election fraud in the 2020 presidential election. Now, they didn’t ask “did you commit election fraud.” They asked questions like: “Did you fill out a ballot for someone else?” “Did you sign a ballot for someone else?” “Did you order a ballot in someone else’s name?” “Did you vote in a state where you no longer live?” “Did you vote more than once in the last election?” and many other questions that reflected illegal voting activity according to the laws in their area. The result was that nearly 80% of professed Democrats had committed fraud in the last election. I was stunned! Clearly, they either don’t care or they are completely ignorant of US Election law!

Democratic corruption is pervasive and not an aberration. Just today the White House illegally altered a transcript of something Joe Biden had said. I really think those who work in the White House should know better. Those things are legal documents and legal records of government and cannot be altered for “clarity.” Whether all of these Democrats are corrupt or just monumentally ignorant of law and morality, or just stupid I do not know but whichever it is I want no part of their society and I will never vote for anyone with a D on their name again.

That is not to say that I think all “R” names are good. But anyone who still associates with “D” are now unacceptable to me. I once voted for the Nebraska Party Candidate for President because I didn’t like what Bush and Rumsfeld were doing and the Democrats were already becoming unacceptable to me. So, I will not say that I will be voting “R” forever but this election it is a straight “R” ticket for me. I have always told my kids to vote the person and not the party because there is corrupt scum on both sides – and good people on both sides. For me I have been Independent, Republican, and Democrat…but I am done with Democrats for many many reasons.

Of course today, all the “good” Democrats I liked (Dave Rubin, Bret Weinstein, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK,Jr., and many others,) are all voting for Trump also in an effort to Restore the Republic and make us a government of, by, and for the people once again so there really are no Democrats that I can respect any longer.

For decades, my entire life really, I have heard people mumble “my vote doesn’t count.” Yet for years I have seen people elected with only a few hundred votes. If people read the voters guide and actually get off their butts and vote they DO have an effect on elections. Most elections are decided by a microscopically small portion of the total electorate. For instance, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (that renowned anti-colonialist with the last name of one of the greatest Conquistadors in history – irony that,) was elected over the Republican in her district by only 57,000 votes. Yet there are over 700,000 registered Republicans in her district. But less than 10% of them get off their butt to vote on election day. If they had AOC would have never been elected.

Moreso, as we already noted, in the year 2000 the Presidency was decided by only 537 votes in Florida. Don’t ever say your vote doesn’t matter in my presence!

Every single election, remember I am a trained Political Scientist and I actually have an interest in looking into the statistics of these things, I find elections (usually local but sometimes even statewide elections,) that are won by shockingly low margins by a shockingly low turnout of voters. Yet, if everyone who complained about the results of elections actually voted (instead of letting the media tell them their vote “doesn’t count” or “it’s already a done deal,”) they could have overturned nearly every election in history!

The best advice for elections I ever heard has come from the Trump machine calling everyone to get out and vote and make the results “too big to steal.” In every case our best protection against fraud and illegal manipulation of elections is for everyone to get a reliable voters guide (try the League of Women Voters,) and see where people stand – and then watch after they are elected to see how badly they lied to you and if they did don’t vote for them ever again – eventually we will kick out the liars and politicians will see that it is not in their best interest to do so because we hold them accountable.

Don’t let anyone tell you your vote doesn’t count or doesn’t matter. It matters much more than the oligarchic elite in this country want you to know and they are hoping that you stay home and continue to wallow in defeatism so that they can keep things going as they have. Don’t let them. Get out and vote in every election – ignore the lying TV ads – and do your own research on the candidates and pick the ones that are the least corrupt. You won’t find perfection on this Earth except in God so just vote for the “least bad” and don’t give up…ever.

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