Instead of my own testimony or argument I want you to take the time to understand. The next few days will determine the future of the world. That sounds like hyperbole but it is not. There are times in history when the entire world pivots on a single event “the shot heard round the world” describes both the fight at Lexington and Concord that sparked the American Revolution as well as the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand that started World War One. Today, we are living in another such time and too many people don’t see it.
I offer two videos. Both are 100% trustworthy. The first is the presenter for Whatifhistory. I have never cited this person. I don’t always agree with his analysis but it is always well thought out and interesting. However, the videos I choose to highlight on my website are videos that best describe a situation, event, or point that I am trying to make. The videos are not the source of my study instead they are a video presentation that summarizes or presents key points that my research has already verified. These give you a video presentation of many of the issues and data that I have studied and want to present to you which I have included because some people learn better through video than through reading.
That is the case here. We are at a turning point and Rudyard describes effectively why. He also tells exactly what the Left is today and unveils the horror that we are facing. This is not specifically about the political parties it is about philosophy, history, and turning points in history. I fully agree with him. That is what we are in today. Further, he is 100% sincere. Remember I have done over 3500 interviews and interrogations and the government has spent over a million dollars to train me in investigation, subversion, espionage, interrogation, and sifting truth from lies. I urge you to take the time to watch this man and listen very carefully to what he says. In fact I suggest you watch it twice. But before you watch it the second time, watch the second video.
He points out several times that the left has declared exactly what it wants to do to us. It wants us and our society to die. Like the Communists before the Neo-Marxists of today they have no remorse at killing over 100 million human beings because they believe that “they are on the right side of history.” To them, it doesn’t matter how many die because paradise is on the other side of all the suffering and death. That is the very personification of fanaticism. But enough of me…watch! Listen! and Learn! Our survival depends on enough people knowing what is at stake in the next few days! No, I am not overstating things. IN fact, I am probably understating it.
Got all that? Do you need a break?
Here is a new thought. The people he has talked about…the Left…who don’t care one bit about you, your life, your family, or your soul knows that everything rests upon them winning this election. If they can pull of a win they will be able to fully establish the elite oligarchy that fully dominates America and be able to completely break the Republic that they hate. If they win this election they can finalize their power bases and ensure that we will never again see a free and fair election, free press, or a government of, by, and for the people.
In this next video the gentleman being interviewed is a former CIA Counterintelligence officer. You have probably seen that before, counterintelligence, it is because I was a counterintelligence agent. Normies have no concept whatsoever of the layers of deception and manipulation that is involved in training and operations of Counterintelligence Operations. They also have no idea of how much of history is manipulated by intelligence agencies and they will NEVER see a history book. That is because everything intelligence does is built on “plausible denial.” A successful intelligence operation leaves people thinking “Gee, that was surprising but that’s how life goes I guess.” A moderately successful intelligence operation gets its objective done but people notice that something was wrong…the 2020 election would be an example of a moderately successful operation. It placed Biden in the Presidency but simultaneously raised the doubts and alerted millions of Americans that something was wrong.
The things that this officer talks about having been wargamed out for 2020 is not obsolete. I could write a book of operations that have been already done this year during this election that show that their operations are still intact and working. They have not stopped. They must win or their power will be lessened (not eliminated – I don’t think even 12 years of conservatives will be able to purge this evil from our government – called the Deep State – because these operatives are too good and too powerful, too well trained.
I guess my best example might be an analogy. I have seen that puppies and kittens are curious and bouncy when they are born. Sometime after birth they discover that the world can hurt them. If you have a dog that grows up beaten and kicked all the time then it will either be a craven cur or a viscious junk yard dog. Americans today are like puppies. We have lived in such a paradigm of safety and cooperation that most people cannot even fathom the evil and violence that the world holds. But the deep state is run by junk yard dogs who have no remorse (as Rudyard above said in his presentation.) Puppies cannot fathom that until they have been bit once or twice. Most Americans cannot really understand how dark the world really is because they have been sheltered all their lives. I have walked in some of the most dangerous areas of Chicago, New York, and Philadelphia and they are not anywhere near as scarry as some of the dangerous neighborhoods in Ankara, Turkey. Even our bad areas are nicer than the rest of the world…by that I mean most Americans don’t encounter people decapitated, skinned alive, tortured and burned alive, or raped to death. These occurrences not only happen but they happen far too often in some parts of the world. If the Deep State wins they are going to create a dystopia that looks more like a cyberpunk science fiction novel than anything resembling what our founding fathers hoped for.
We live in a time where our action, or our inaction, will determine the lives of many future generations as well as whether the rest of the world collapses into death and chaos or continues on a course with some semblance of stability in key places of the world.
Listen carefully to the operations he describes. They will try to cast doubt on election numbers and election procedures to say Kamala won and there won’t be any clear evidence that the final numbers we are fed are fraudulent. Maybe after years of investigation they can find evidence but it will never happen if they are the ones in power. The best way to fight that is to so overwhelm the numbers that they cannot cheat or steal the election.
Even so, there is so much at stake that, if they feel they can plausibly get away with it, they will try. You have to realize that when “oops” and “that was a glitch” happens over and over again and always in a way that benefits one side these are neither random nor natural nor glitches. They are planned operations made to look like errors.
i am one of the few people who consider elections spectator sports. I take off from work the day after and stay up all night watching live election returns and coverage. It was about 3 a.m. when I saw that Trump had several hundred thousand point four votes on the TV screen. “How can you have a .4 of a vote in Pennsylvania?” And I instantly knew. Dominion and other voting machines can be set to record a vote as a fraction of a vote for one side and take the fraction they heist from one side and apply it to the other. Somehow the results glitched adn the actual number was put up on the screen showing the fraudulent settings of some of the electronic voting machines in Pennsylvania. There is not proof. There will never be any proof but did you notice how hard the Left fought to make sure that the voting machines were never examined in ANY jurisdiction across America. We have to have enough votes for preserving our Republic to overcome the voting machine fraud and other fraudulent election tactics that are used in our elections. Unfortunately, election machines are used in some of the largest and most important areas of key states allowing them to skew the votes in these elections. It can only be countered by enough people voting to overwhelm their ability to cheat.
Watch for ‘random glitches” and plumbing or lighting failures that close down voting places on election day because the whole world (especially the Deep State actors,) know that overwhelmingly it is Republican who vote in person on election day. So it is election day voting that will have the most glitches. Mark my words, watch and beware. To be ready watch this video. It is a brief summary of “wargames” played out by our government about how the oligarchy can stay in power and steal the election from the people. I believe they have been doing this quietly in key elections for many years it is just it became obvious in 2020 to many people who otherwise would still be asleep.
Now, one thing you may not have noticed is the DoD just issued an order allowing soldiers to use Deadly Force against civilians. I am working on a presentation as to how this will effect posse comitatus but it could also have relevance if chaos erupts after the elections. Add that bit of data to what he said in the above video. Then you can add the repeated military helicopters conducting emergency drills flying in and out of the White House Grounds in the past week…although the news you watch probably didn’t say anything about that either.
Here is another important video that is less esoteric or intelligency….
There are other videos, “9000 Mail In Ballots suddenly found in Illinois”, “2 election judges plead guilty to ballot fraud,” “Missouri AG slams Voter Fraud,” “Massive Mail In Voter Fraud Found in New York,” “Voter Fraud discovered in three Pennsylvania Counties,” “Lancaster PA Officials Reveal Major Apparent Voter Fraud,” and many many more. But, I am still hopeful that enough Americans understand, even if its on an unconscious level, that something big is happening and they need to vote and it will turn out “Too Big Too Steal.”
I’ll tack this on the end. S2 is the Intelligence Section of a military Battalion (that is where the name of the next video producer comes from. He is a trained intel analyst I watch (one of several,) although I don’t usually include them because they have a lot of intelligence “terms of art” in them that civilians don’t have the training to understand. Not that they cannot understand, its just that – like any profession – there are a lot of terms that mean specific things to intelligence professionals that mean something different to civilians.
For instance, as I have pointed out many times, when Intelligence Officials say they don’t routinely collect information on the phone calls, emails, or movement of American Citizens Americans think that they are saying that they don’t collect our data. That is wrong. “Collect” in the intelligence usage means putting data that you have into an intelligence product and using it. So they can record everything you say and do and, to them, it isn’t “collected” until they do a search of their computer base and build a case against you. Until then, the massive data they have about you was not “collected” because they weren’t actively using it. Yet, when heads of the FBI and CIA etc, tell Congress they don’t “collect” data on Americans we assume they mean the same thing that we do with the common use of “collect.” But this is not true.