Congratulations to everyone who chose to Make America Great Again by voting for President Donald J. Trump. If you voted for him simply because you recognized that the “stop oil” programs and fanatics are the #1 reason why everything you need to survive from energy to food to clothes are twice as expensive (or more Bacon is 7 times more expensive than when Trump was President the first time,) is because EVERYTHING that is delivered to your stores from energy to food to clothing to car parts and tools, are all delivered in this country by trucks that use fossil fuels (Amazon excepted – although everyone who supplies Amazon warehouses delivers using oil or oil derivatives.) Other patriots have actually reconnected with the vision of the founders who wanted America to be a government of, by, and for the people building a liberal (liberal not Leftist,) republic where everyone could pursue their own dreams and self-development as they saw fit…without being attacked by Leftists for what they think or believe (this is such an un-American way the Left behaves as to be completely at odds with the fundamental beliefs of America and, for me, borders on subversive, seditious, even treasonous behavior. And it must be removed if we are to survive as a free nation.)
Even the plastic used for packaging or casings for your phones and computers are created using oil. Plastic is primarily a product of the oil industry. Fertilizer used to provide you food is also a product of the oil industry. Stop Oil fanatics have no clue of what they are really saying and it is the fault of environmental fanatics and their supporters that everything is so expensive. Yet you don’t see the people blocking traffic and waving stop oil signs trying to reduce the amount of power they use or shun plastic products at the store. They are dangerously clueless and/or brainwashed as are all the other Leftists. They have interfered with the just operation of government, the living of life, destroyed true works of art, and even blocked emergency medical vehicles from getting to the hospital. These people are dangerous and we need to stop tolerating and coddling them. We need to stop pretending that this destruction is merely “free speech” because it is not. It is more akin to shouting fire in a crowded theater and getting people injured or killed.
For now we must all take a victory lap as the silent American majority made their voice heard and took a stand to Restore the Republic and Make America Great Again. Yet the work is not done. It is only beginning. And if we are to be successful the silent majority must not fall back into complacent silence. The only way we will Restore the Republic is if we all band together and fight to restore a government that is of, by, and for the people and spread the ideas of the founders throughout the country and the world. This will be the focus of SabersEdge.Online in the coming years. To ensure that you, Freedom Troopers, have the information you need to explain the American vision of the founders and can articulate it to others. Remember, if you have specific questions or concerns SabersEdge.Online has a search function where you can search for key words. We also have broader categories that you can click on to see all articles that touch on specific general topics. SabersEdge.Online is here for you. It is your tax dollars at work! The government has spent millions of dollars training me to be an investigator and intelligence professional and this is your return on their investment.
This election was the Lexington and Concord of the new American Revolution to Restore the Republic, the Constitution, and the ideals of the Declaration of Independence. We have peacefully reasserted America’s ideals in this election and formed a coalition across racial and gender lines that belies the false DIE (Diversity Inclusion Equity) lies that race and gender and victimhood are the most important parts of the American story. Trump’s victory shows that far from racial haters MAGA supporters are able to come together to Make America Great Again as Oriental, Hispanic, Black, White, Native American, male and female, gay and straight have all come together to assert the American promise demonstrated by this remarkable Trump coalition of freedom.
Never before have such diverse people come together for a cause (a diversity that shows again that leftist lie and exposes that when they say “diversity is our strength” what they really mean is “we will only welcome you if you stay on the Leftist Plantation but if you commit “wrong-think” you will be cancelled, hated, and destroyed.” In contrast, I ask you to consider the MAGA movement. It has all the demographics I mentioned above and more. It has liberal and conservative coming together like true Americans always have in times of challenge when enemies threaten our country and Constitution. You see Donald J. Trump, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Tim Pool, Matt Walsh, Andrew Klavan, Dennis Praeger, Dave Rubin, Bret Weinstein, Tulsi Gabbard, Megyn Kelly, Marjorie Taylor Greene, even Green Beret’s like Nick Freitas and actors like Mel Gibson, Kevin Sorbo. There are so many others of every creed and race coming together to work together for the American promise that, in many ways, any list of names is an insult to the other patriots. Still, the example of what true diversity of thought is, is worth making. This is truly extraordinary and the real promise of America.
Well Freedom Troopers, I am old and have little to no knowledge of video, but I will do what I can to produce content on that front also, as my limited budget allows. As you know my production numbers have been off because I am working alone and trying to do admin work and restructure things to make the SabersEdge experience better and more effective for you so that in the future we can increase our reach and our footrpint to help true patriots make a difference. Be aware that while you can still reach me through I have discontinued my PO Box. If you want to help, for now, you can email encouragement or leave comments and watch for future developments. I would welcome your comments and suggestions. Further, since I don’t advertise the only way we grow is for you to recommend this site to others. So please help us by sending out one or two links to people who you think will resonate with our content.
Welcome Freedom Troopers. I know you have seen through the scams and lies of the Leftist Neo-Marxists and rightest, war-mongering Neo-Cons as the un-American propaganda it truly is; and, in this election we who love America, as Mark Levin aptly explains, we have truly dodged a bullet.
Now we must move forward, and it all depends on if the Republicans, as a whole, are still the Neo-Con cowards who agree with Leftist statism or the fawning sycophants who crave the adulation of the Leftist media as they have been in the past. Hopefully, what we voted for, are patriots who are now ready to stand for justice, the people, and change. Last time, under the craven “leadership” of Mitch McConnel, when they had the majority the RHINO’s betrayed America and the people who voted for them by their craven attitudes and did little or nothing to oppose the dominant “swamp-dwelling” lying, murderous scum who control Washington D.C.
Again, you may say, there Daniel goes off the deep end again. And I do state this in the extreme, I admit that, but I do so to wake up those who haven’t yet admitted the true nature of our enemies. These are not political opponents who we can disagree with and then sit down to eat dinner together. They are enemies who want us dead. They have said as much and it is time to believe their own words. Hitler did the same before World War II but people chose to ignore him as well. We cannot make that mistake with the Neo-Marxists in this country. The Czar of Russia made the mistake of underestimating the Communist Subversives and not only he and his family but in the subsequent purges, executions, famine, and deaths through forced labor, deportation, starvation, and imprisonment the Russians themselves [Brzezinski] estimated at 60 million having been killed for this mistake of tolerating these enemies of …well, life itself.
One election, one battle, or one event, will never defeat our enemies. Worse they have control of our institutions, intelligence and law enforcement agencies, our schools, and our bureaucracy. They are as determined and enemy as we faced in the Viet Cong or the Taliban and they are just as eager to see us dead. All over TikTok people are wishing for the death and suffering of ourselves and our leaders. We need to realize we are at war with Neo-Marxism and the very nature of war is that it will not be resolved in one battle but only by a sustained effort.
I told you before that a successful intelligence operation is one that no one notices. The 2020 election was a screw up because the manipulations surfaced to the point of being noticed and, even though some arrests have been made, much of the evidence of fraud was destroyed by the conspirators and perpetrators. As I will show below these election manueverings have been going on for quite some time in American politics and they will not end with this election.
For instance in 2020 there were at least two counties (one in Georgia and one in another key swing state,) where when a recount was ordered and the rooms where, by law, the votes had to be kept secure for just such an eventuality – like in Georgia – when they opened the room it was completely empty. “I don’t know how this could happen. There is only one key and it is with me at all times,” the County official intoned. But the evidence was gone and the cry of the malignant operator and criminal that any interrogator or investigator has heard over and over again from the guilty was raised, “you have no evidence!” Note, it’s not: “that didn’t happen” or “we didn’t do it.” It is “you have no evidence!” It is simultaneously a statement, a hope, and a prayer of the malignant actor or criminal operator.
It is also the clarion cry of the modern Democrat and the Leftist Media as well as the Neo-Marxist. We will explore this more in the article I am working on with the working title of “They Want You Dead” we’ll see what the SEO score on that title is when we post it – so it is subject to change.
As a note Freedom Troopers, I refuse to change titles to serve as click bate. When I went to school we were taught that Titles need to give a general idea of what the article is about and I follow that scrupulously even when we would do better with the algorithms if I went for “click-bate titles.” However, to me, and I know I am old fashioned, those titles are a lie. And I will never lie to you Freedom Troopers. I may not say what you want to hear but it will always be the truth as I see it. And if I get new evidence that shows I am wrong I will tell you. I literally had more than enough of lying when I served as a Counterintelligence Agent. It took me years to fight my way back to moral clarity after living in an environment where everything was relative (including truth.) That journey back to truth is part of why I may seem so rabidly anti-Marxist and anti-Leftist to you. They could not survive in an environment of truth. That is why all leftists work feverishly to change the way language is used so they can lie to you by warping the common meaning of words and confuse you, whom they see as their enemy, about their true intention.
The one thing that seems to hold true with all of these enemies of the Constitution is that they accuse their enemies of what they intend to do themselves. I don’t know if this is because they are trying to throw us off or if they are so consumed by their own moral decay that they cannot imagine anyone actually acting with moral clarity, truth, or integrity. If it is the latter than the depravity of the Left is truly staggering. I know that liars and criminals comfort themselves for their own bad behavior by telling themselves that “everyone does it” so maybe they are projecting as a self-defense mechanism for actions and thoughts that they know are immoral and malignant lies.
As for the destruction of evidence, to think locks and security will protect you from professional criminals or trained intelligence professionals is naive. Our enemies are capable and dangerous, and they want to destroy all that is good in America. The evidence vanished and the media intoned that Trump “had no evidence” that the election was rigged. As if a lack of evidence meant nothing had happened. Agents specialize in obscuring evidence.
I have spoken of many other examples before and throughout my writing but I don’t know that I have spoken of this event with the vanished election boxes before.
Another thing I speak of often is the ease with which electronic voting machines are hacked. Across the country in 2020 there were statements by dozens of poll workers across the country that, despite rules to the contrary, the electronic voting machines were connected to the internet.
Once such a connection is made EVERY VOTE and result of those machines is in question and whether they are compromised or not can only be determined by examining the machine itself (because the machine records everything.) Yet when election investigators petitioned for access to the machine the Leftist and Election officials (some of which were Neo-Cons, some Leftists, and some of which were just stupid,) went ballistic and made up every excuse possible to prevent that from happening. They even told the lie that once the machines were opened they would have to be destroyed. This is totally a lie as anyone who understands computers would know. The company who created them could be paid to resecure them. Instead, we have machines that can never be questioned for accuracy. That alone should be enough reason to stop their use. They should all be thrown on a pile and burned – along with the bodies of the traiterous liars who defend their continued use. [See this about voting machines: ]
Consider this, if ANY voting machine is connected to the internet it can be hacked (even if your election officials don’t announce the password for hacking them like the Democratic official in Colorado did publicly “and accidentally” for their voting machines.
Let me be clear. It does not require poll workers who want to overthrow the election to compromise election machine integrity. Although I am sure such parasites of the Left exist…some have even admitted it on their social media and in court prosecutions of election fraud. However, all it takes to compromise election machines is one poll worker, in a brief moment, to log onto the internet just to check their mail or to check on their kids from the polling place. Even that brief contact is enough to let professional malignant hackers gain control of our elections through these machines. These machines are the Trojan Horse that will betray America and they must be stopped and removed from every election site. [Once more see: in the future I will update this article with new information I have found about how horrible these devices are but for now here is what I wrote some time ago.]
I realize not everyone is a trained investigator. But when there are enough “accidents” and “errors” all of which affect one particular side that is an excellent indicator of fraud and malicious intent to any trained investigator. Our enemies are very capable though and, after 2016 when election fraud allegations first went rampant with Hilary against Trump I began looking into the matter in detail and came to the conclusion that the “uni-party” of Neo-Con Republicans and Leftist Democrats had used the voting machines and election fraud for decades to manipulate the results of our elections. Each election they have been emboldened to do more than the last. Emboldened, like all criminals, by their successful manipulations in the election before.
As Dan Bongino said to a Congressional Committee about the incompetence of the FBI and Secret Service surrounding the first Trump assassination attempt: “There comes a point where repeated errors and incompetence demonstrate “intent.”” Intent to make Trump vulnerable to assassination. The congressional hearings on these events are very enlightening if you have the time to watch them. Until then, I have watched them so you don’t have to and I publish my findings here.
When I investigated fraud at Pfizer as a civilian Security Director we had our second incident of theft and embezzlement of resources and I told the manager, “Don’t worry. They got away with it. That means they will be confident to do it again. Everytime they do this they leave a little more evidence for us. Criminal nature is that it is never enough for them. They won’t stop. They will keep doing it until we finally have enough evidence to arrest them.”And within a couple weeks they did it again and we did.
But Trump won! We won! So, this time there was no fraud!
You might be tempted to say that, but you would be wrong.
The news seems to be suppressed by the media but the RNC (Republican National Committee) had poll watchers in key counties where fraud and malpheasance was suspected in 2020. Several counties tried to make excuses for shutting down voting early on election day in areas where “too many Republicans” were voting. The RNC officials said if they closed early the RNC would “very publicly” sue the hell out of them. They backed down and kept the polls open. As I said before, a successful intelligence or criminal operation requires no one to notice to be completely successful and it needs plausable deniability to be even remotely successful.
Like the assassination attempts. Each assassin seems to have had connections with organizations that disliked Trump (some of them corporate overlords and others indicate possible government connections – like the first assassin training at the same location as FBI and Homeland Security operatives train at,) but plausable deniability and stonewalling by the FBI and Secret Service leadership protected them.
Transparency is the sign of honesty and truth. Lack of Transparency is increasingly a sign of Democratic and “Swamp/Deep State” control. You need to pray that Trump and JD Vance live to take office. It is, for me, a warning sign that the powerful government and corporate actors who hate Trump and the MAGA movement are taking this election so quietly. Every intel and subversive operation has back up plans and I am concerned about what plans are in the works. But what I do know is they haven’t given up.
These people, as I have said, do not lose gracefully.
Disney is one of the world-influencing corporations that has gone all in for the Woke Agenda. In fact, although most don’t know this because it was done quietly with “plausible deniability,” the House of Mouse, (a mouse that has been revealed to actually be a Skaven-spawned Plague-Rat) bought up the clearing house for political polls quietly before the 2024 election. Leading up to the election they minimized or downright shut down the polls that showed how far Trump was ahead and emphasized polls that were skewed in favor of Kamala.
Polls are often used in America to manipulate elections, as is the “early calling” of an election. You see, if you follow American Elections, you would see that when elections are called early due to voting on the East Coast (which is largely Democrat,) it often suppresses voting in the central states and Western states as people say either “we are so far ahead we don’t need to vote” or “it is useless we have already lost.” As long as its a toss up this suppression of Western votes doesn’t seem to occur but any time things are called early or results are accentuated for one side or the other it occurs.
One example of this is in the 2012 and 2008 elections with Ron Paul. I will not cover everything the media did to poison his campaign but just focus on one event. In 2012 Iowa Caucus Ron Paul came in third in the Republican Primary. It is often said that if you don’t at least “show” in Iowa you don’t have a chance at the Presidency. Ron Paul came in third in the Primary in Iowa. However, none of the media even mentioned him. I remember they talked about “the top 4 or 5 candidates in the Iowa Caucuses” who did very well – Ron Paul was not mentioned by the national media although Ron Paul came in third! Later, after the election, Jon Stewart and others raised a stink about media bias. I was planning to vote for Ron Paul. However, when he didn’t even win a notice in Iowa I thought he had “no chance” and I supported different candidates. I fell for the lie. At the time I didn’t double check everything the media did or every lie they spoke like I do today. I didn’t find out until after the election the media had “lied by omission” and destroyed Ron Paul’s campaign. Ron Paul even commented how the major networks had all pulled their reporters from covering his campaign during the election. Wikepedia (never the best source of information but sometimes it gets it right,) records:
Paul was asked in a Fox Nes interview “What are they [the media] afraid of?” He answered, “They don’t want to discuss my views, because I think they’re frightened by me challenging the status quo and the establishment.”
Totalitarian and Statist Control has been a goal of the Oligarchic Elite for decades. They don’t trust democratic processes and they hate “checks and balances.” Back around when Ron Paul ran for office, I had a podcast called Patriots Rising on Blog Talk Radio that I did with my friend Richard. We had severely attacked the Patriot Act as well as the violation of individual rights that were being (and are still perpetrated,) by TSA (Transportation Security Agency), BATF (Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms,) and the other totalitarian/fascist actions of the Neo-Con Republicans using the “war on terror” as their excuse to pass totalitarian surveillance and controls on America.
Fear Is Always Used as the Excuse whether it is supressing MAGA supporters in America or Jews in Germany in WWII. Even now we see people spreading fear of the very thing Democrats have done since 2020: political prosecution of their enemies, arrests and concentration camps (like Australian Leftists did over COVID,) or hunting down ethnic groups as rascist (despite the fact Trump said he is starting deportations with those who have committed violent crimes.) But truth is irrelevant to the brainwashed.
The point is elections have been manipulated by the media and the Oligarchic Elite of America for quite some time. It was not just in 2020. It is part of who they are as scum bag, power-hungry, totalitarian tyrants “who don’t care about us” but only their own money and power.
I have said Trump’s win is much bigger than you can ever imagine. This is why:
From what I have seen, not only did polling places try to shut down to end Republican voting on Election day but somehow, somewhere, as many as 20 million Republican votes seem to have disappeared between the exit polls and polling statistics of those who voted and when the results were actually counted.
We know they didn’t vote for Kamala because Democratic votes actually dropped significantly compared to 2020 (if we can even believe that Biden had the largest number of votes ever cast in an American election – an idea I have always found doubtful since he couldn’t get people to show up to his election events.) This was in image they overcame with Kamala as at one Kamala rally I counted at least 14 interstate chartered busses busing in Kamala supporters to one of her rallies while at others they used a free celebrity concert to attract people and pretended it was a Kamala political rally.
I believe the Deep State operatives (possibly because of the poll manipulation by Disney obscured how much support DJT had they were not ready for the results,). Why am I reminded of the saying I learned as a kid: cheaters never prosper? But in the short term, sometimes they do. We must be constantly vigilant against ongoing voter fraud and make every election from now on “too big to rig.”
Still, it is reasonable that our enemies believed that scrubbing 20 million Republican votes out of existence would be enough to secure the election for Kamala. This was a reasonable belief by the Oligarchic Elite because rarely, if ever, has a candidate won by such a large margin. Elections in America are usually close and this, in normal circumstances, would have made it appear that Kamala Harris had won in a landslide. But they overestimated their ability to manipulate us and keep us down.
When this massive level of fraud wasn’t enough, they were (like in 2016,) literally caught by surprise. Nearly everyone in media and the Left believed it would be a landslide for Kamala (we can only guess how many knew “the fix was in.” Assuredly, in very few elections in American history has one side had enough votes that the removal of even a few million votes, let alone 20 million, wouldn’t guarantee a landslide for their opponent.
This removal will probabaly never be verified by fact. Already election officials, corrupt judges, and corrupt attorney’s general are covering their tracks for them. They only try such fraud in areas that they know they have conspirators that will help hide them if their fraud is suspected. Honest investigation can find the truth, but we already know that these jurisdictions that use voting machines or have large machines for fraudulent vote production will never allow their machines to be checked (which is in itself a sign of malfeasance.) For reasons stated in Electronic Voting machines [ Voting Machines: Good or Bad? – SabersEdge – Cutting Through the Lies to Get to the Truth ] votes can be manipulated to skew results and there is not discernable evidence unless the machines themselves are taken apart.
This is what Police investigators do when they get ahold of a perpetrator’s computer because only by scrubbing the computer and wiping the hard drive or destroying the hard drive (like Hilary did in 2016,) can you destroy the evidence that is buried deep in its memory; and we already know the establishment will never allow us to investigate their election machines.
Thus once more they can say: “You have no evidence.”
Every intel operative knows the experience of being trained for and ready for a clanestine operation and sitting in a hotel room waiting for the “go” when you get a call that gives you an innocuous word that only you and you team know means “cancel operations” and stand down because the mission has been called off – for reasons you may never know. We all know that feeling. It is real. What we will never know is how many teams of operatives or lawyers were set to capitalize on the doubts of the election who got such a call because Trump was so obviously winning that the “plausable denial” to conduct operations to challenge the election did not exist.
They now have to oppose “47” in other ways. As Tim Pool said, maybe Trump and JD Vance should never be together on the same plane between now and the inauguration. Someday I will do an article on how many politicians who promised reform of the “Deep State” or “Establishment” have died in America due to a “tragic accident” whether it be a car accident and a runaway semi or hit and run or an aircraft that inexplicably crashed killing everyone aboard. It would be disheartening but it is real.
Yet for now we need to take a moment to celebrate the win. Yet it would be a mistake for you to believe that the fight is over or that the enemy has given up. They have not. They will not.
The election of Donald Trump and our major victory over woke ideology shows how rare, what Gad Saad calls “the woke mind virus” is and that it is not in the majority. Truly, they were so loud and active, and the silent majority so silent, that there were times that I thought the Leftist/Communist/Neo-Marxist and Corporate Oligarchs had already destroyed our Republic (if they had they would begin fighting each other for dominance of the spoils.) But they lost. And they lost big. The victory was literally “Too Big to Rig” and America has proven that its not dead yet. The ideals of the founders live on and we are the caretakes of that philosophy and ideal. We who live for the true American Dream and who have vowed to Preserve and Protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic are not the enemy we are America. The real America who won the 2024 election for the most amazing political union of populists, working class, youth, liberals, and conservatives who have all come together to Make America Great again.
You are not alone! Together we can Restore the Republic!