First, let me say that Bing and Google are great search engines if you want to be fed propaganda and have a twisted and radical view of what is going on in the world. You need to remember how these two search engines are hopelessly interwoven with the elites and their control of the mainline media in this country. Trying to find specific documents that I knew were out there and listed by name on the search bar still produced pages and pages of news feeds that they wanted me to hear and buried the documents that I actually wanted in favor of their propaganda. I cannot overstate the need to avoid these two search engines if you care about truth or even balanced reporting.

As you follow the news on this issue there are some key names that may keep occurring and you should know who they are: The Governor of Texas Greg Abbot; Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, Texas Border Czar Mike Banks, Adjutant General of the Texas Military Department Major General Thomas Suelzer, and Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McGraw.
You can get updates directly from the Texas Governor’s office here: Office of the Texas Governor | Greg Abbott
Governor Abbott had a letter hand carried and delivered to the Biden Administration which is in Is a New Civil War Starting in Texas? Governor Abbott Hand-Delivers Letter To President Biden At Border Visit | Office of the Texas Governor | Greg Abbott

There is much hype about CIVIL WAR in all the media; it does sell papers and get clicks. I haven’t gone into the Constitutional angle explaining that because I have already written a lot. If ya’ll want me to I can explain those factors of law. Just leave a comment or email me at and I will respond. But I thought a quick recall of the contents of the Declaration of Independence (above) might be in order. Refer to my article on Texas Civil War for more info but here is the documents involved. I have included the Governor’s Letter and the Ordnance of Secession from 1861. In both documents I have placed text in BOLD that I think you should pay specific attention too. I will tell you why in Don’t Mess With Texas – Is this the Start of a New Civil War in America? – SabersEdge – Cutting Through the Lies to Get to the Truth But here are the documents themselves that I am citing.
The Governors letter to the Biden Administration can be found here President_Joseph_R._Biden_sig_.pdf ( and its text is below:
Via Hand-Delivery
January 8, 2023
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
President of the United States
Dear President Biden:
Your visit to our southern border with Mexico today is $20 billion too little and two years too
late. Moreover, your visit avoids the sites where mass illegal immigration occurs and sidesteps
the thousands of angry Texas property owners whose lives have been destroyed by your border
policies. Even the city you visit has been sanitized of the migrant camps which had overrun
downtown El Paso because your Administration wants to shield you from the chaos that Texans
experience on a daily basis. This chaos is the direct result of your failure to enforce the
immigration laws that Congress enacted.
Under President Trump, the federal government achieved historically low levels of illegal
immigration. Under your watch, by contrast, America is suffering the worst illegal immigration
in the history of our country. Your open-border policies have emboldened the cartels, who grow
wealthy by trafficking deadly fentanyl and even human beings. Texans are paying an especially
high price for your failure, sometimes with their very lives, as local leaders from your own party
will tell you if given the chance.
All of this is happening because you have violated your constitutional obligation to defend the
States against invasion through faithful execution of federal laws. Halfway through your
presidency, though, I can finally welcome you to the border. When you finish the photo-ops in a
carefully stage-managed version of El Paso, you have a job to do:
- You must comply with the many statutes mandating that various categories of aliens
“shall” be detained, and end the practice of unlawfully paroling aliens en masse. - You must stop sandbagging the implementation of the Remain-in-Mexico policy and
Title 42 expulsions, and fully enforce those measures as the federal courts have ordered
you to do. - You must aggressively prosecute illegal entry between ports of entry, and allow ICE to
remove illegal immigrants in accordance with existing federal laws. - You must immediately resume construction of the border wall in the State of Texas,
using the billions of dollars Congress has appropriated for that purpose. - You must designate the Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations.
On behalf of all Americans, I implore you: Secure our border by enforcing Congress’s
immigration laws.
Greg Abbott

Now let us travel back to 1861 and see what caused Texas to secede. I think perhaps this is a good time to say I do not advocate for a peaceful divorce of red states from blue states in America. It is my contention that there ARE NO BLUE STATES in America. There are ONLY BLUE COUNTIES. To separate red states from blue would be to trap millions of loyal Americans who still believe in America into a leftist socialist dystopia under the domination of Leftist cities in America. We should never abandon loyal Americans to tyranny, oppression, incarceration, or servitude. Instead we need to restore America and take control away from a totalitarian bureaucracy (the Swamp) and return it into the hands of the American People. Remember, the millions of civilians and soldiers who died in the civil war.

In 1861 – The War for Southern Independence (a civil war is generally fighting for control of a country in 1861 the Southern States didn’t want to overthrow the US government they simply wanted to go their own way in peace,) Considering all of the hype about Civil War today I thought it appropriate to post these documents for Texas both today and in the past. So, below you will fing the ordinance of secession for Texas.

February 1st, 1861, after Abraham Lincoln had been elected but before he took office, the legislature of Texas passed their ordnance of secession by a vote of 166 to 8. And joined the Confederate States of America on March 2, 1861, after replacing Sam Houston as Governor because he would not swear allegiance to the Confederacy. Many have said that the states had no right to secede yet several of the thirteen colonies joined the union only after being assured that they could leave voluntarily if the union did not work for them. Further, when the states seceded, they did so legally by simply repealing the act of their own legislation that had brought them into the union. It strikes me as patently absurd to say that a state legislature doesn’t have the right to repeal its own legislation. Indeed, Confederate President Jefferson Davis had waited eagerly after he was apprehended by Union forces for a treason trial so that he could bring his case to record. However, the Confederate President and the rest of Confederate officers, politicians, and soldiers were never tried for treason for the reason that if the matter went to a court of law the US Government feared that the case would prove that they did indeed have the legal right to secede. Of course, history is written by the winners and so our historians bypass this data and the fact that several prominent Northern lawyers eagerly offered their services for free to defend President Jefferson Davis. For other things bypassed and whitewashed by history you can read The Black Civil War and Union Terror by Andicott.
Texas contributed over 70,000 soldiers to the Southern Confederacy and 2,000 soldiers to the Union. Here is the historical document that kicked off the Civil War for Texas. There may be other states that sent more troops to the Confederate Army but at one point in the war General Robert E. Lee was asked what his army needed to win and he told them “Send more Texans.” At another point as a Texas unit was passing by an observer of the British Army mentioned to General Lee that their uniform trousers were so ragged, he could see their butts. “That’s OK,” Lee replied. “The enemy never sees the backs of my Texans.” Texas has lead in boldness for a very long time in American history. It’s therefore interesting to me that both then and today they have cited that the Federal Government has failed to protect the lives and property of Texans. I get the feeling that Texans don’t complain easily. In the army we often noted that Texans had a certain way of approaching things that was a mite bolder than other Americans. Today’s situation reminds me that Confederate President Jefferson Davis said after the war was over that the issues that brought about the War Between the States were not resolved by the war and that they would recur again in the future in different form. (An odd statement if you believe the post war propaganda that the war was only about slavery. In my study of history, no war is only about any one topic. As I have said many times I think slavery was a major cause of the conflict, but slavery was not why Confederates fought. Here is the secession document (I highlighted in Bold that which appeared to me to be still relevant today):
A declaration of the causes
which impel the State of Texas to secede
from the Federal Union
The government of the United States, by certain joint resolutions, bearing date the 1st day of March, in the year A. D. 1845, proposed to the Republic of Texas, then a free, sovereign and independent nation, the annexation of the latter to the former, as one of the co-equal States thereof,
The people of Texas, by deputies in convention assembled, on the fourth day of July of the same year, assented to and accepted said proposals and formed a constitution for the proposed State, upon which on the 29th day of December in the same year, said State was formally admitted into the Confederated Union.
Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated States to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquillity and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings. She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery–the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits–a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. Her institutions and geographical position established the strongest ties between her and other slave-holding States of the confederacy. Those ties have been strengthened by association. But what has been the course of the government of the United States, and of the people and authorities of the non-slave-holding States, since our connection with them?
The controlling majority of the Federal Government, under various pretenses and disguises, has so administered the same as to exclude the citizens of the Southern States, unless under odious and unconstitutional restrictions, from all the immense territory owned in common by all the States on the Pacific Ocean, for the avowed purpose of acquiring sufficient power in the common government to use it as a means of destroying the institutions of Texas and her sister slave-holding States.[see note 1 below.]
By the disloyalty of the Northern States and their citizens and the imbecility of the Federal Government, infamous combinations of incendiaries and outlaws have been permitted in those States and the common territory of Kansas to trample upon the federal laws, to war upon the lives and property of Southern citizens in that territory, and finally, by violence and mob law to usurp the possession of the same as exclusively the property of the Northern States.
The Federal Government, while but partially under the control of these our unnatural and sectional enemies, has for years almost entirely failed to protect the lives and property of the people of Texas against the Indian savages on our border, and more recently against the murderous forays of banditti from the neighboring territory of Mexico; and when our State government has expended large amounts for such purpose, the Federal Government has refused reimbursement therefor, thus rendering our condition more insecure and harassing than it was during the existence of the Republic of Texas.
These and other wrongs we have patiently borne in the vain hope that a returning sense of justice and humanity would induce a different course of administration.
When we advert to the course of individual non-slave-holding States, and that a majority of their citizens, our grievances assume far greater magnitude.
The States of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa, by solemn legislative enactments, have deliberately, directly or indirectly violated the 3rd clause of the 2nd section of the 4th article of the federal constitution, and laws passed in pursuance thereof; thereby annulling a material provision of the compact, designed by its framers to perpetuate amity between the members of the confederacy and to secure the rights of the slave-holding States in their domestic institutions–a provision founded in justice and wisdom, and without the enforcement of which the compact fails to accomplish the object of its creation. Some of those States have imposed high fines and degrading penalties upon any of their citizens or officers who may carry out in good faith that provision of the compact, or the federal laws enacted in accordance therewith.
In all the non-slave-holding States, in violation of that good faith and comity which should exist between entirely distinct nations, the people have formed themselves into a great sectional party, now strong enough in numbers to control the affairs of each of those States, based upon the unnatural feeling of hostility to these Southern States and their beneficent and patriarchal system of African slavery, proclaiming the debasing doctrine of the equality of all men, irrespective of race or color–a doctrine at war with nature, in opposition to the experience of mankind, and in violation of the plainest revelations of the Divine Law. They demand the abolition of negro slavery throughout the confederacy, the recognition of political equality between the white and the negro races, and avow their determination to press on their crusade against us, so long as a negro slave remains in these States.
For years past this abolition organization has been actively sowing the seeds of discord through the Union, and has rendered the federal congress the arena for spreading firebrands and hatred between the slave-holding and non-slave-holding States.
By consolidating their strength, they have placed the slave-holding States in a hopeless minority in the federal congress, and rendered representation of no avail in protecting Southern rights against their exactions and encroachments.
They have proclaimed, and at the ballot box sustained, the revolutionary doctrine that there is a “higher law” than the constitution and laws of our Federal Union, and virtually that they will disregard their oaths and trample upon our rights.
They have for years past encouraged and sustained lawless organizations to steal our slaves and prevent their recapture, and have repeatedly murdered Southern citizens while lawfully seeking their rendition.
They have invaded Southern soil and murdered unoffending citizens, and through the press their leading men and a fanatical pulpit have bestowed praise upon the actors and assassins in these crimes, while the governors of several of their States have refused to deliver parties implicated and indicted for participation in such offences, upon the legal demands of the States aggrieved.
They have, through the mails and hired emissaries, sent seditious pamphlets and papers among us to stir up servile insurrection and bring blood and carnage to our firesides.
They have sent hired emissaries among us to burn our towns and distribute arms and poison to our slaves for the same purpose.
They have impoverished the slave-holding States by unequal and partial legislation, thereby enriching themselves by draining our substance.
They have refused to vote appropriations for protecting Texas against ruthless savages, for the sole reason that she is a slave-holding State.
And, finally, by the combined sectional vote of the seventeen non-slave-holding States, they have elected as president and vice-president of the whole confederacy two men whose chief claims to such high positions are their approval of these long continued wrongs, and their pledges to continue them to the final consummation of these schemes for the ruin of the slave-holding States.
In view of these and many other facts, it is meet that our own views should be distinctly proclaimed.
We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.
That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations; while the destruction of the existing relations between the two races, as advocated by our sectional enemies, would bring inevitable calamities upon both and desolation upon the fifteen slave-holding States. By the secession of six of the slave-holding States, and the certainty that others will speedily do likewise, Texas has no alternative but to remain in an isolated connection with the North, or unite her destinies with the South.
For these and other reasons, solemnly asserting that the federal constitution has been violated and virtually abrogated by the several States named, seeing that the federal government is now passing under the control of our enemies to be diverted from the exalted objects of its creation to those of oppression and wrong, and realizing that our own State can no longer look for protection, but to God and her own sons – We the delegates of the people of Texas, in Convention assembled, have passed an ordinance dissolving all political connection with the government of the United States of America and the people thereof and confidently appeal to the intelligence and patriotism of the freeman of Texas to ratify the same at the ballot box, on the 23rd day of the present month.
Adopted in Convention on the 2nd day of Feby, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one and of the independence of Texas the twenty-fifth.

Column 1 O. M. Roberts, Presdt. Edwin Waller L. A. Abercrombie W. S. J. Adams W. A. Allen James M. Anderson of Cherokee T. S. Anderson James R. Armstrong Rich. L. Askew Wm. C. Batte S. W. Beasley John Box Jas. M. Burroughs John I. Burton S. E. Black W. T. Blythe Amzi Bradshaw Robert Weakley Brahan A. S. Broaddus John Henry Brown Robert C. Campbell Lewis F. Casey Wm. Chambers T. J. Chambers– Chairman of the Committee on Federal Relations John Green Chambers N. B. Charlton George W. Chilton Isham Chisum William Clark, Jr. J. A. Clayton J. A. Chambers of Red River Eli H. Baxter, Jr. | Column 2 Charles Leander Cleveland A. G. Clopton Richd Coke James E. Cook Jon W. Dancy Thos. G. Davenport A. H. Davidson C. Deen Thos. J. Devine Jas. J. Diamond Wm. W. Diamond Jno. Donelson Joseph H. Dunham H. H. Edwards Elbert Early Jno. N. Fall Drury Field John H. Feeney George Flournoy Spencer Ford John S. Ford Thomas C. Frost Amos P. Gallaway Charles Ganahl Robert S. Gould Robert Graham Malcom D. Graham Peter W. Gray Jno. A. Green John Gregg M. J. Hall William Nash | Column 3 Wm. P. Hardeman John R. Hayes Philemon T. Herbert A. W. O. Hicks Thos. B. J. Hill Alfred M. Hobby Jos. L. Hogg J. J. Holt James Hooker Edward R. Hord Russell Howard A. Clark Hoyl Thos. P. Hughes J. W. Hutcheson Jno. Ireland Thos. J. Jennings F. Jones William C. Kelly Th. Koester C.M. Lesueur F. W. Latham Pryor Lea James S. Lester John Littleton M. F. Locke Oliver Loftin Thos. Sallus Lubbock P. N. Luckett Henry A. Maltby W. A. Montgomery J. L. L. McCall |
Column 4 Jesse Marshall James M. Maxey Wm. McCraven Thomas M. McCraw Wm. McIntosh Gilchrist McKay Wm. Goodloe Miller Albert N. Mills Thomas Moore Thos. C. Moore Charles de Montel B. F. Moss John Muller Thos. J. Nash A. Nauendorf T. C. Neel Allison Nelson James F. Newsom W. M. Neyland E. B. Nichols E. P. Nicholson A. G. Nicholson James M. Norris Alfred T. Obenchain W. B. Ochiltree W. S. Oldham R. J. Palmer W. M. Payne W. K. Payne Jas. W. Henderson John R. Henry James M. Harrison | Column 5 William M. Peck W. R. Poag Alexander Pope David Y. Portis D. M. Prendergast Walter F. Preston F. P. Price A. T. Rainey Hohn H. Reagan C. Rector P. G. Rhome E. Sterling C. Robertson John C. Robertson (of Smith) J. B. Robertson of Indepen. William Peleg Rogers James Harrison Rogers Edward M. Ross Jno. Rugeley H. R. Runnels E. B. Scarborough William T. Scott William Read Scurry James E. Shepard Sam S. Smith Gideon Smith John D. Stell Jno G. Stuart of Anderson Charles Stewart of Falls Noah Cox Chas. A. Russell T. J. Wood | Column 6 William H. Stewart of Gonz. F. S. Stockdale of Calhoun B. F. Terry of Fort Bend Nathl Terry, Tarrant Co. E. Thomason James G. Thompson W. S. Todd Jas. Walworth R. H. Ward William Warren Jas. C. Watkins Jno. A. Wharton Joseph P. Wier Jno. A. Wilcox A. P. Wiley of Walker Ben Williams of Lavaca Jason Wilson Philip A. Work Henry Newton Burditt P. Taylor Edward Dougherty D. M. Stapp Geo H. Bagby W. Hunt Tignal W. Jones W. A. Mattox Sam A. Willson |
Note 1 – The people of the Southern States were banned from taking their property into the territories conquered from Mexico. For us this “property” by which they meant their slaves seems odious at best. However, in their minds consider that plantations were large “companies” that took many people to run. It would be like telling someone “You can come here but you need to start over and you cannot bring any of your expert help.” As one plantation owner said when he was asked why he only appointed black overseers on his plantation “What does some white man know of growing and processing cotton? This is expensive equipment and I want people running it who know what they are doing.” We cannot really get our heads around the idea of people as being property even though there are more slaves in the world today than there ever were in North America. I guess it’s easier to oppose slavery when those you oppose are dead rather than opposing all the human trafficking that is going on today over our Southern Border. Between illegals who owe the cartels a crushing debt, those who have to payoff the debt with sexual serivces, and those who are out and out forced into servitude to the cartels Americans don’t seem near as concerned about these things as they are about statues of long dead men. I guess that is a much ‘safer” way to campaign. You don’t risk getting hurt that way – even though you don’t actually accomplish anything either.